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We have found 117 book/s in category
Romantics - Other Romantic Literature |
Author |
Title |
Price |
Purchase |
(ARLISS, John) Publisher. |
THE GEM: or Select and Entertaining Tales. Prose and Verse. From Recent Works of Merit. |
£ 150.00 |
London. John Arliss. 1822. 4 vols. pp. iv, 192; iv, 192; iv, 192, iv, 176. Each volume with frontis and 5 plates. Further illustrations in the text. 12mo. Original printed boards, spines darkened, very slightly rubbed and stained. In Vol 1 pp 3 - 6 damaged by fire affecting the text, the burn mark continues to p.12 but the text is legible. Vol 2 front endpapers look slightly affected by damp and the rear endpaper is torn away. Vol 4 front free endpaper torn. All volumes are divided into 6 sections with a colophon at the end of each part giving the publishers details and the same information at the top of the next section including the year. All published.
Reference: 228981
(CHATTERTON, Thomas). |
£ 1,500.00 |
London. W. Goldsmith. 1772. pp. (ii), iv, 26. 4to. Last leaf repaired, affecting the text minimally, all words are readable. Some foxing, title page a little grubby. 1st edition, with the Goldsmith rather than the Newberry imprint, of the first of Chatterton's Rowley forgeries to be printed. ESTC T33753. BOUND WITH:- MICKLE, William Julius. SIR MARTYN, A Poem in the manner of Spenser. London. Flexney. 1777. pp. 6, (ii) of glossary, 71, (i). 4to. Vingette on title page, slightly browned. 1st published in 1767 as 'The Concubine'. ESTC T27760; BOUND WITH (BARBAULD, Anna Letitia). POEMS. London. Joseph Johnson. 1773. pp. vi, 138. 4to. p.2 misnumbered 4. Resetting of the 1st edition, H3 cancelled leaf. ESTC T74944. Half red morocco, marbled boards, head and tail of spine slightly rubbed.
Reference: 37254
(HUGHES, Mrs Mary Robson). |
£ 20.00 |
London. William Darton Jun. 1819. pp. 209, 6 of adverts. Frontis stuck down to front board. 12mo. Quarter calf, marble boards, rubbed. Head and tail of spine chipped away.
Reference: 15802
(LAMB, Lady Caroline). |
£ 1,300.00 |
London. Henry Colburn and Co. 1822. 2 vols. pp. (x), 221; (iv), 186, (vi) of adverts. Half titles present. 12mo. Half green morocco, marbled boards, rubbed. In Vol 2 the top right hand corner of the front free endpaper has been torn away affecting nothing and there is an ink stain on p. 66 not affect legibility. Stamped on base of spines 'S. African Public Library', there are no other library markings. From the library of William St. Clair with his name and pencil note on front free endpaper of Vol 1. Joanne Shattock in The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers says 'Her next novel (after Glenarvon), the realistic Graham Hamilton (1822), was written after she had received the advice to 'write a book which will offend nobody; women cannot afford to shock.' Wolff 3939.
Reference: 74500
(MARTIN, John; SCOTT, Sir Walter.) |
£ 60.00 |
London. Charles Tilt. 1832. 2 vols. 78 plates of which 5 are lacking, namely Solway Firth from Allonby, Tolbooth, Coldingham, Warwick from Kenilworth, & Solwy Sands. Royal 8vo. Half calf, marbled boards. Some foxing. Vol 1 Waverley to Legend of Montrose; Vol 2 Ivanhoe to Woodstock. With the bookplate of B C A Prior and previous owners name on front free enapper. Sold as a collection of plates.
Reference: 86340
(POLLITT, Charles). |
£ 25.00 |
Kendal. Atkinson & Pollitt; London. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 1890. pp. (ii), 79. 8vo. original printed wrapper, slightly marked.
Reference: 21824
(WATKINS, John). |
SCARBOROUGH TALES by a Visitant. |
£ 275.00 |
London. Longman & Co. 1830. pp. xii, 300. 8vo. Original cloth, spine label chipped. Some minor foxing. Printed in Whitby by R. Horne. Includes 'Passages in George Fox's Imprisonment in Scarborough Castle' and 'A Legend of Paul Jones'. John Watkins wrote the first biography of Byron - Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Honourable Lord Byron published in 1822.
Reference: 12991
ABBOTT, John S.C. |
THE CHILD AT HOME; or Principles of Filial Duty familiarly illustrated. |
£ 10.00 |
New York. Amerucan Tract Society. (1833). pp. 173. Engraved frontis. Small 8vo. Quarter cloth, marbled boards, hinges rubbed, front hinge tender. Foxed.
Reference: 197220
AIKEN, John. MD. |
£ 80.00 |
London. J. Johnson. 1804. pp. xii, 298, leaf of adverts. 12mo. Full calf, spine faded and hinges slightly rubbed. All edges gilt. With the bookplate of Abel John Ram, Esq and from the library of William St Clair with his name in pencil on the front free endpaper. COPAC only lists 1 copy, which is in Winchester College Fellows' Library.
Reference: 64901
ALLARD, James Robert. |
£ 30.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2007. pp. vii, 166. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 9780754658917. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 30379
ALLINGHAM, John Till. |
THE WEATHERCOCK; A Farce, in Two Acts. First Acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Monday Nov 18 1805.The Music by M.P. King. The Second Edition. |
£ 25.00 |
London. Lackington, Allen & Co. ND (1805?). pp. (iv), 27. 8vo. Disbound. MS of leaf with Characters dated 1818. In September 1806 Byron took the lead part of Tristram Fickle. In Detached Thought (Marchand Letters and Journals Vol 9. p. 37) he says 'When I was a youth - I was reckoned a good actor ... I enacted ... Tristram Fickle in Allingham's farce of the Weathercock - for three nights (the duration of our compact) in some private theatricals at Southwell in 1806 - with great applause.'
Reference: 17409
FORGET ME NOT; A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1826. |
£ 60.00 |
London. R. Ackermann. 1826. pp. viii, 386. Presentation plate, frontis, 12 plates. 12mo. Full green calf, respined. With works by L. E. Landon, Mrs Hemans and others. Faxon 1301
Reference: 13165
PURSUITS OF AGRICULTURE; A Satirical Poem, in Three Cantos, with Notes. |
£ 275.00 |
London. John Joseph Stockdale. 1808 - 1810. pp. 249, (i) of adverts, 12, (viii) of adverts. 8vo. Later boards and paper spine. The pagination is continious between the three cantos even though Canto Three was published in 1810. There is some foxing throughout and a small amount of pencil marginalia in Canto Three. The 12 page section at the back of the book is ABOLITION OF TITHES. A Short Letter to the Rev. T.C. Munnings; exposing the futility of his pretended Agricultural Improvements, and proposing a very simple but very efficacious Plan for ameliorating the condition of the Farmers, by a gradual and general Abolition of Tithes.Ninth Edition, corrected and enlarged. London. For the Author by J.J. Stockdale. 1810. Norfolk related work.
Reference: 129471
THE MIRROR of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Vol IV, No XCVI. Saturday, July 31, 1824. |
£ 5.00 |
London. J. Limbird. 1824. pp.81 - 96. 8vo. Disbound. With an illustration of Mary of Buttermere's House and relevant article.
Reference: 19717
THE PERENNIAL; A Collection of Moral and Religious Poetry. Selected by the Editor of the Evergreen. |
£ 30.00 |
London. William Darton and Son. ND. Circa 1835. pp. xii, 244. Coloured frontis. 16mo. Original blind stamped cloth, all edges gilt. Hinges rather crudely repaired with fabric tape. Includes works by Wordsworth. Faxon 1664 - Faxon dates it as circe 1845.
Reference: 168120
THE YOUNG LADY'S BOOK: A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises, and Pursuits. |
£ 100.00 |
London. Vizetelly, Branston, and Co. 1829. pp. 504. (ii). Frontis, Engraved Title, 6 plates and many further illustrations within the text. 12mo. Original silk, spine rubbed, all edges gilt.
Reference: 15473
WISDOM IN MINIATURE; or the Pleasing Instructor; being a Collection of Sentences, Divine, Moral and Historical. |
£ 45.00 |
London. A.K. Newman. 1813. pp. (ii), vi, 184. Frontis. 16mo. (10.5 x 6.5cm). Full calf, spine dry, hinges and boards slightly rubbed.Part of the bottom corner of the text block bumped and frayed not affecting the text.
Reference: 69350
ASH, C.B. |
£ 150.00 |
London. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green 1831. 2 vols bound together. pp. (ii), xvi, 303; x, 312. Errata slip loosely inserted, additional leaf opposite p. 144 in Vol. 2. 8vo. Upper and lower edges with very minor water staining. Contemporary cloth, slightly grubby. With the bookplate of J O Edwards. In the Advertisment on p. xii the author says, talking about his poem Adbaston; or Days of Youth - 'Since this Poem was first printed in Bath in 1814, it has been revised, and several alterations have been made in it, for which I am chiefly indebted to the friendly suggestions of Mr Coleridge, .....who, in the kindest manner, not only gave me considerable encouragement, but, entirely without my knowledge or solicitation, took much trouble in making many marginal notes in a copy, that, afterwards, fell into my hands by accident....' Johnson 30.Printer - Market Drayton. S. Silvester
Reference: 66240
£ 28.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 1995. pp. xiv, 259. Frontis, 9 illustrations. 8vo. D/W, slightly torn. Edge of text block beginning to brown.. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. General Editors Marilyn Butler & James Chandler. ISBN 9780521473361. A very good copy.
Reference: 21998
BELOE, William). |
THE SEXAGENARIAN; or, the Recollections of a Literary Life. |
£ 80.00 |
London. F.C. & J. Rivington. 1817. 2 vols. pp. viii, 436; 386. 8vo. Original boards, spines and labels. Spines slightly cracked, corners bumped. In Vol 2 on pp365/366 there is a small hole affecting text. Some slight foxing. 1st edition. Halkett & Laing. BL.William Beloe (1756 - 1817) Divine & Miscellaneous writer was born in Norwich. In 1803 he became Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum. He was dismissed from this post in 1806 because of extensive thefts by a man named Dighton who had insinuated himself into Beloe’s good graces.
Reference: 312590
BENNETT, Andrew. |
£ 30.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 1999. pp. xiii, 268, (ii). 8vo. D/W. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 35. General Editors Marilyn Butler & James Chandler. With the bookplate of The Friends of Coleridge. ISBN 0521641446. A very good copy.
Reference: 12151
BERNS, Ute & Michael Bradshaw. (Editors). |
£ 30.00 |
Contributors are David M. Baulch, Ute Berns, Michael Bradshaw, Frederick Burwick, Alan Halsey, Raphael Hormann, Diane Long Joeveler, Andrew James Johnston, Nat leach, Jerome J. McGann, Christopher Moylan, Michael O'Neill, Marjean D. Purinton, & Shelley Rees. Aldershot. Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2007. pp. xviii, 273. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 9780754660095. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 10757
BLACKBURNE, Neville. |
£ 4.00 |
London. The Falcon Press. 1952. pp. xvi, 215. 8vo. D/W. Label removed from bottom corner of ffep. The book covers the end of the C18th and the beginning of the C19th. A time during which women emerged from the ornamental and domestic position with a demand for equaility which was not attained for a further 100 years. The object of the book is to show how by their life and character a chain of women made possible this advance.
Reference: 22369
BLAKE, William. |
AMERICA a Prophecy. |
£ 1,250.00 |
London. The Trianon Press fo The William Blake Trust. 1963. 18 facsimile leaves, pp. (viii), loosely inserted errata slip. 4to. Quarter black morocco with marbled boards and marbled slipcase. No. R of 26 copies numbered A to Z reserved for Mr Paul mellon, the Trustees of the Willim Blake Trust and the Publishers. Some very faint foxing.
Reference: 26038
BLAKE, William. |
£ 1,250.00 |
London. The Trianon Press for The William Blake Trust. 1955. 50 facsimile leaves, pp.(viii). 8vo. Quarter blue morocco, marbled boards, marbled slipcase. Spine very slightly faded, both book and slipcase with protective glycene wrap. Limited edition of 526 copies, this being out of sequence 'Review Copy'.
Reference: 184141
BLESSINGTON, Marguerite, Countess of. (Editor). |
HEATH'S BOOK OF BEAUTY. 1837. With Nineteen Beautifully Finished Engravings from Drawings by the First Artists. |
£ 60.00 |
London. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman. 1837. pp. viii, 264. Frontis, engraved title and 17 plates as called for. 12mo. Green calf with gilt decoration, all edges gilt. Includes to works by Disraeli. Nice copy. Faxon 1387
Reference: 89750
£ 50.00 |
London. John Van Voorst. 1845. pp. viii, 269, (i), (viii) of adverts. Illustrated with vignettes. 8vo. Original cloth, worn at head and tail of spine on the hinges. Inscribed on inside of front board 'Sarah Anne Coleridge from her dear ? August 1845. Sarah Anne Coleridge was the daughter of William Hart Coleridge, Bishop of Barbados, and therefore Samuel Taylor Coleridge's great niece. Also with the bookseller's label 'Hannaford Bookseller Exeter'.
Reference: 64517
THE FARMER'S BOY. A Rural Poem. |
£ 25.00 |
Bound with WILD FLOWERS: or, Pastoral and Local Poetry and Other Pieces. London. Edward Lacey; Liverpool. Henry Lacey. ND. Circa 1830s. pp. 128, (iv), 124. Frontis. 16mo. Original cloth, alledges gilt. With the bookplate of C. Wyndham Rawdon.
Reference: 77371
BOYIOPOULOS, Kostas & Mark Sandy (Editors). |
£ 30.00 |
Contributors areAnna Barton, Bernard Beatty, Kostas Boyiopoulos, Frederick Burwick, Kate Hext, Linda K. Hughes, Alex Murray, MichaelO'Neill, Mark Sandy, Lisa Vargo, J.R. Watson, & Sarah Wootton. Farnham. Ashagte Publishing Ltd. 2015. pp. xiii, 208. 4 plates, 2 figures. 8vo. D/W. ISBN 9781472422422. A very good copy.
Reference: 67651
BRADLEY, Arthur & Alan Rawes. (Editors). |
£ 16.00 |
Contributors are Jonathan Bate, Arthur Bradley, Joe Bray, Gerard Carruthers, Kenneth R. Johnston, Julian North, Michael O'Neill, Ralph Pite, Alan Rawes, Mark Storey, & Jennifer Wallace. Aldershot. Ashgate. 2003. pp. xvii, 202. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century General Series Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 0754609936. A very good, bright, clean copy. Includes chapters on Clare, Southey, Byron, Keats, Wordsworth, Austen, Lockhart, & Shelley
Reference: 8502
BRADSHAW, Michael. |
RESURRECTION SONGS. The Poetry of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. |
£ 25.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate. 2001. pp. xi, 243. 3 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 075460103X. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 33735
BRIGGS, John. |
POEMS, On Various Subjects. |
£ 150.00 |
Ulverston. For the Author by J. Soulby. 1818. pp. viii, 142, (ii). 8vo. Original printed boards, top inch of spine lacking. With a list of subscribers. Johnson 134.
Reference: 9433
BURNS, Bryan. |
£ 5.00 |
London & Sydney. Croom Helm. 1985. pp. 250. 8vo. D/W.
Reference: 7383
BUTLER, Marilyn. |
ROMANTICS, REBELS AND REACTIONARIES. English Literature and its Background 1760 - 1830. |
£ 6.00 |
New York & Oxford. Oxford University Press. 1982. pp. (v), 213. 8vo. D/W,. A very good, clean copy. ISBN 0195203844
Reference: 3348
CASS, Jeffrey & Larry Peer. (Editors). |
£ 30.00 |
Contributors are Hugo Azerad, Stephen C. Behrendt, Ingrid Broszeit-Rieger, Frederick Burwick, Jeffrey Cass, Jeanne Cortiel, Gabriele Dillmann, Michelle Faubert, Talissa Ford, Valerie Henitiuk, Lilach Lachman, Sohui Lee, Kari Lokke, Larry Peer, Marjean D. Purinton, Bronwyn Rivers, & Miriam L. Wallace. Aldershot. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2008. pp. xii, 225. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 9780754660514. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 8629
CHAPONE, Hester; GREGORY, Dr John; PENNINGTON, Lady Sarah. |
£ 45.00 |
London. Walker & Edwards. 1816. pp. xxi, (iii), 240. Frontis and engraved title. 12mo. Full calf, spine label, hinges cracked but firm. From the library of William St Clair with his name in pencil.
Reference: 4070650
CHAPONE, Hester; GREGORY, Dr John; PENNINGTON, Lady Sarah. |
ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MIND; LEGACY TO HIS DAUGHTERS; ADVICE TO HER ABSENT DAUGHTERS; with an additional letter on the Management and Education of Infant Children. |
£ 45.00 |
London. J. F. Dove. 1827. pp. viii, 208. Frontis and engraved title. 12mo. Original printed boards, hinges slightly rubbed, spine chipped.
Reference: 407065
CHAPONE, Mrs Hester; Gregory, John. |
LETTERS ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MIND and A Father's Legacy to his Daughters by the late Dr Gregory. |
£ 40.00 |
London. Suttaby, Evance & Fox. 1812. pp. xiv, 180. Frontis, engraved title. 12mo. Full red calf with gilt decoration, all edges gilt. Hinges and corners rubbed. From the library of William St Clair with his name in pencil.
Reference: 78430
CLARK, Lorraine. |
£ 12.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 1991. pp. xii, 238. 8vo. D/W. Endpapers very slightly foxed. ISBN 0521395097. A good, clean copy.
Reference: 213121
CLARK, Samuel. |
THE CHRISTIAN'S INHERITANCE; or, A Collection of the Promises of Scripture, under their Proper Heads: representing I. The Blessings Promised. II. The Duties to which Promises are made. |
£ 45.00 |
London. Scott and Webster. ND Circa early C19. pp. viii, 200. Frontis, engraved title, both slightly foxed. 12mo. Half calf, marbled boards. Hinges very slightly rubbed.
Reference: 8995
CLAY, Arnold. |
‘ITCHING AFTER RHYME’. A Life of John Clare. |
£ 6.00 |
Tunbridge Wells. Parapress Ltd. 2000. pp. xiv, 130. 16 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. ISBN 9781898594680. A very good copy.
Reference: 20278
COLLINS, William; Johnson, Samuel; Pomfret, John; Hammond, James. |
THE LAUREL containing poems of Collins, Dr. Johnson, Pomfret, Hammond. |
£ 50.00 |
London. W. Suttaby & B. Crosby. 1805/1806. 4 works in 1 volume. pp. 96; 64; xii, 110, (ii) of adverts; 32. 4 frontis's 1 general engraved title. Each work has its own title page. 16mo. Original printed boards dated 1805, General printed title dated 1806, the works by Pomfret and Hammond dated 1805, those by Collins and Johnson dated 1806. Original prined boards darkened, spine rubbed away, ties holding but frail. See image.
Reference: 63670
COPELAND, Edward. |
WOMEN WRITING ABOUT MONEY. Women's Fiction in England, 1790 - 1820. |
£ 20.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 1995. pp. xviii, 291. 26 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. Previous owners name neatly inscribed on front free endpaper.Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. General Editors Marilyn Butler & James Chandler. ISBN 9780521454612. A very good copy.
Reference: 6812
THE MAKING OF CARLYLE. An Experiment in Biographical Explication. |
£ 10.00 |
London. Eveleigh Nash. 1908. pp. vi, 519. Frontis, 1 plate. 8vo. Pictorial cloth, front board slightly marked. Front & rear end papers foxed. Inside front board slightly scarred.
Reference: 228248
CROLY, Rev. George. |
THE BEAUTIES OF THE BRITISH POETS with a few Introductory Observations. |
£ 45.00 |
London. R. B. Seeley & W. Burnside. 1828. pp. (iv), xxiv, 267. Engraved title & 10 plates. 8vo. Quarter calf, cloth boards. Shaken, stitching beginning to go at front hinge. From the library of William St Clair with his name in pencil. Poor copy ODNB. Croly (1780 - 1860) was a writer and clergyman. His poem 'Paris in 1815' was lampooned by Byron in Don Juan.
Reference: 37512
CRONIN, Richard. (Editor). |
£ 30.00 |
Contributors are Richard Cronin, Marilyn Gaull, James A.W. Heffernan, Alice Jenkins, Peter Jimack, Dorothy McMillan, Stephen Prickett, Nicholas Roe, Clifford Siskin, & Jane Stabler. Basingstoke. MacMillan Press Ltd. 1998. pp. viii, 259. 8vo. D/W. Romanticism in Perspective:Texts, Cultures, Histories. General Editors Marilyn Gaull & Stephen Prickett. ISBN 9780333714089. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 139912
AUBREY: A Novel. |
£ 1,000.00 |
London. T.N. Longman & O. Rees. 1804. 4 vols. pp. xxviii, (i), 210, (ii) of adverts; iv, 268; vii, (i), 299, (v) of adverts; viii, 390, (ii) of adverts. All half titles and advert leafs as called for. Small vignette at head of Dedication in Vol 1. 12mo. Contemporary half calf, marble boards, hinges slightly rubbed. Minor foxing throughout. Vol 1 - pp. 191/192 and Vol 3 - pp. 240/241 repaired with minimal loss of text and non of meaning. With the bookplate of Thomas Hammond Foxcroft. 1st edition. Summers p. 237
Reference: 10342
DELAVIGNE, M. Casimir. |
£ 12.00 |
Paris. Ladvocat Librarire. 1829. pp. 188. 8vo. Half calf, marbled boards. 8vo. Some slight foxing. In the introduction Delavigne denies that he has copied Byron's tragedy. 'On a dit que mon ouvrage etait une traduction de la tragedie de Lord Byron. Ce reproche est injuste. J'ai du me rencontrer avec lui dans quelques scenes donnees par l'histoire; mais la marche de l'action, les ressorts qui la conduisent et la soutiennent, le developpement des caracteres et des passions qui la modifient et l'animent, tout est different.' In Stendhals Scarlet & Black, the hero, Julien Sorel compares the nobles of France that he meets at a ball to the nobles of Venice he has seen portrayed in Delavigne's Marino Faliero.
Reference: 8203
DYER, John. |
THE POETICAL WORKS collated with the best editions by Thomas Park Esq. |
£ 40.00 |
London. Charles Whittingham at the Stanhope Press. 1807. pp. 146. 1 plate from a drawing by Richard Westall. 12mo. Original printed wrapper, hinges worn. Part LIX of Sharpe's Edition of the British Poets.
Reference: 108581
TALES AND NOVELS in Eighteen Volumes. |
£ 375.00 |
London. Baldwin and Cradock. 1832. - 1833 18 vols. Frontis and engraved title to every volume. Half calf, marbled boards, spines with gilt decoration and labels, some chipped. Spines badly sunned. Vol 1 Castle Rackrent; An Essay on Irish Bulls; An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification. Vols 2 & 3 Moral Tales Vols 4 & 5 Popular Tales. Vol 6, 7, 8 & 9 Tales of Fashionable Life. Vol 10 Table of Fashionable Life Vol V and The Modern Griselda. Vol 11 & 12 Belinda. Vol 13 Leonora with Letters on Several Subjects. Vol 14 & 15 Patronage. Vol 16 Patronage and Comic Dramas. Vol 17 Harrington and Thoughts on Bores. Vol 18 Ormond.
Reference: 9954
FRANZERO, Carlo Maria. |
A LIFE IN EXILE. Ugo Foscolo in London, 1816 - 1827. |
£ 6.00 |
London. W.H. Allen. 1977. pp. xiii, 127. 10 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. 1st British edition, originally published in Italian as Ugo Foscolo a Londra. A good copy. ISBN 0491022816
Reference: 3567
FRYKMAN, Erik. |
£ 10.00 |
Uppsala. A-B Lundequistska Bokhandeln. 1959. pp. 240. Frontis. 8vo. Printed wrapper. Text in English.
Reference: 11321
FURST, Lilian R. |
£ 8.00 |
University of Nebraska Press. 1979. pp. xvi, 158. 8vo. D/W.
Reference: 3952
GARLICK, Gorel. |
TO SERVE THE PURPOSE OF THE DRAMA. The Theatre Designs and Plays of Samuel Beazley 1786 - 1851. |
£ 10.00 |
London. The Society for Theatre Research. 2003. pp. xiv, 220. Frontis, 39 illustrations. 8vo. Laminated boards.
Reference: 9113
GEORGE, Diana Hume. |
£ 6.00 |
Ithaca & London. Cornell University Press. 1980. pp. 253. 8 illustrations. 8vo. D/W, spine faded. Edge of text block slightly browned, internally clean. A good copy. ISBN 0801412862
Reference: 7720
GIDDEY, Ernest. |
£ 12.00 |
geneve. Librairie E. Droz. 1959. pp. 123. 8vo. Printed wrapper. Unopened.
Reference: 7987
GODWIN, William. |
ENQUIRY CONCERNING POLITICAL JUSTICE, and its influence on Morals and Happiness. |
£ 1,500.00 |
London. G.C. & J. Robinson. 1796. 2 vols. pp. xxii, errata leaf, 464; x, 545. 8vo. C19th half vellum, red cloth boards, spine labels. Some minor foxing in Vol 1 and a paper fold defect pp261/262 not affecting text in Vol 2. The second edition corrected. Half titles present. A hansome set. ESTC T94278
Reference: 10197
GOLDBERG, Brian. |
£ 10.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 2007. pp. viii, 297, (v). 8vo. D/W. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. General Editors Marilyn Butler & James Chandler. ISBN 9780521866385. A very good copy.
Reference: 96606
GREGORY, Dr John; Mrs Hester Chapone. |
A FATHER'S LEGACY TO HIS DAUGHTERS; A Letter to a New-Married Lady. |
£ 45.00 |
London. John Sharpe. 1822. pp.viii, 169. Engraved title & 4 engraved fly titles. 12mo. Quarter cloth, original boards, spine label darkened. Occasional minor foxing.
Reference: 10570
HALL, S.C. Editor). |
THE AMULET. A Christian and Literary Remembrancer. |
£ 40.00 |
London. Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis. 1833. pp. (ii), 312, (vi) of adverts. Engraved title, frontis, 8 plates, 2 vignettes. 12mo. Full calf, all edges gilt. Front hinge tender. Including works by Letitia Landon, Coleridge and Mrs Opie. Faxon 1058.
Reference: 10367
HAYDON, Benjamin Robert. Edited by Willard Bissell Pope. |
£ 100.00 |
Harvard University Press. 1960 - 1963. 5 vols. pp. xxvi, 495; (x), 553; viii, 660; (viii), 664; (viii), 688. Frontis's to Vols 1, 3 & 5 as called for, 42 line drawings within the text. 8vo. D/Ws, price clipped and frayed. Vol 1 1808 - 1815; Vol 2 1816 - 1824; Vol 3 1825 - 1832; Vol 4 1832 - 1840; Vol 5 1840 - 1846. ADDITIONAL SHIPPIONG REQUIRED
Reference: 6462
HERBERT, The Hon. William. |
£ 100.00 |
Bound with Iris published York 1826. London. John Murray. 1820. pp. 47, 2 leaves from Hedin, 15 of Iris. Half title and title page at the beginning for Tales. 8vo. Disbound. p. 11 stamped Merchantile Library, Philada. Herbert was a contributor to the Edinburgh Review and so attracted Byron's attention in English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 'Herbert shall wield Thor's hammer, and sometimes/ In gratitude thou'lt praise his rugged rhymes.' The footnote explains that ' Mr Herbert is a Translator of Icelandic and other poetry. One of the principal pieces is a "Song on the Recovery of Thor's Hammer;" the translation is a pleasant chaunt in the vulgar tongue, ...'
Reference: 35756
HOGG, James. (Editor). |
£ 12.00 |
Abyssinian Fount and Egyptian Plain: A Junian Interpretation of Symbolism in The Prelude by Betty Tucker Mann; Time is, Time was, Time's Past. Byron's Struggle with Time by Koichi Yakushigawa; Some Sonnets of Shelley by D.P. Sen Gupta; Manuscript Revision in Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto IV, Stanzas 128 - 145 by James Hogg; Lady Hester Stanhope's Autograph Letter to Michael Bruce: An unpublished account of her life in Lebanon by James Hogg. Salzburg. Institut fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universitat Salzburg. 1978. pp. 129. 8vo. Paperback. Salzburg Studies in English Literature under the Direction of Professor Erwin A. Sturzl. Romantic Reassessment. Editor: Dr. James Hogg. No. 81.
Reference: 21538
HOUTCHENS, Carolyn Washburn & Lawrence Huston. (Editors). |
THE ENGLISH ROMANTIC POETS & ESSAYISTS. A Review of Research and Criticism. |
£ 5.00 |
Contributors include Northrop Frye & Martin K. Nurmi, George L. Barnett, Stuart M. Tave, Elisabeth W. Schneider, James T. Hillhouse & Alexander Welsh, Kenneth Curry, Hoover H. Jordan, R.H. Super, John E. Jordan, & Carlisle Moore. New York. For The Modern Language Association of America by New York University Press. 1968. pp. xviii, 395. 8vo. D/W, slightly frayed. Revised Edition, 2nd printing. Includes chapters on William Blake, Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Southey, Thomas Campbell, Thomas Moore, Walter Savage Landor, Leigh Hunt, Thomas De Quincey & Thomas Carlyle.
Reference: 2226
HOWE, Will D. |
£ 4.00 |
Indianapolis. The Bobbs-Merrill Co. 1944. pp. (xiii), 364. Frontis, 18 plates. 8vo. Red cloth, head of spine slightly frayed. 2nd edition.
Reference: 11263
HOWELLS, Coral Ann. |
LOVE, MYSTERY, AND MISERY. Feeling in Gothic Fiction. |
£ 6.00 |
University of London. The Athlone Press. 1978. pp. (vii), 199. 8vo. D/W.
Reference: 6612
HUNTER, Shelagh. |
HARRIET MARTINEAU. The Poetics of Moralism. |
£ 16.00 |
Aldershot. Scolar Press. 1995. pp. xiv, 274. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 1859281354. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 13925
LYRIC AND LABOUR in the Romantic Tradition. |
£ 30.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 1998. pp. xii, 278, (iii). Frontis, 1 illustration. 8vo. D/W. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. General Editors Marilyn Butler & James Chandler. ISBN 9780521572590. A very good copy.
Reference: 17066
KITSON, Peter J. (Editor). |
£ 25.00 |
Contributors are Michael Charlesworth, Angela Esterhammer, Tim Fulford, Peter J. Kitson, Philip W. Martin, Thomas McFarland, Lucy Newlyn, Michael O'Neill, Mary Anne Perkins, Lynda Pratt, Michael Scrivener, Philip Shaw, Paul D. Sheats, & John Williams. Aldershot. Ashgate. 2001. pp. xv, 232. 7 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 0754606023. A very good, bright, clean copy. Includes chapters on Wordsworth, Clare, Southey, Keats & Blake.
Reference: 7356
L.E.L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon) |
HEATH'S BOOK OF BEAUTY. MDCCCXXXIII. With Nineteen Beautifully Finished Engravings from Drawings by the First Artists. |
£ 45.00 |
London. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman; Paris. Rittner & Goupil; Frankfurt C. Jugel. 1833. pp. viii, 264. Frontis, engraved title and 17 plates as called for. 12mo. Full green calf, gilt decoration, all edges gilt, front hinge rubbed and only just holding internally, head of spine chipped. Plates foxed Faxon1383
Reference: 8445
LAMB, Charles. |
£ 320.00 |
London. C and J. Ollier. 1818. 2 vols. pp. x, (ii), 291; (vi), 259, (ii) of adverts. Small 8vo. Original quarter cloth, spine labels rubbed, corners bumped. A small amount of minor foxing. First collected edition of Lamb's Works. Voliume 1 is dedicated to Coleridge and Volume 2 to Martin Charles Burney. Volume 1 also contains works by Lamb's sister Mary. Roff p. 135.
Reference: 8017
LAMB, Lady Caroline. |
ADA REIS, A Tale. |
£ 875.00 |
Paris. A and W Galignani. 1824. 2 vols. pp. (iv), xvi, 252; (iv), 224. 2 leaves of music by Isaac Nathan. Half calf, boards. Half titles present. Published a year after the London edition. From the library of William St. Clair with his name in pencil on the front endpaper. Santucho p 599.Joanne Shattock in The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers says 'Her third novel and her favourite, the exotic Ada Reis(1823) incorporated a South American setting and a sojourn in Hades.'
Reference: 12137
LAU, Beth. (Editor). |
FELLOW ROMANTICS. Male and Female British Writers, 1790 - 1835. |
£ 30.00 |
Contributors are Ashley Cross, Jacqueline M. Labbe, Beth Lau, Julie Melnyk, Michael O'Neill, Alan Richardson, Barbara K. Seeber, Jane Stabler, & Susan J. Wolfson. Farnham, Surrey. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2009. pp. xi, 266. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series, General Editors Vincent Newey and Joanne Shattock. As new. ISBN 9780754663539
Reference: 12506
LEWIS, Matthew Gregory. |
THE MONK, A Romance. |
£ 425.00 |
London. For the Booksellers. ND. Circa 1820s. 3 vols. pp. 272; (ii), 182; (ii), 196. 12mo in 6s. Half roan, marbled boards, spine of Vol 3 badly faded. Some minor foxing and some pages trimmed, not affecting the text. Title pages to Vols 2 and 3 appear to be cancels. Printer is J.T. Devison, Aberdeen. A very good copy.
Reference: 73531
LOW, dennis. |
£ 25.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate Publicatiing Ltd. 2006. pp. viii, 202. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. Includes sections on Caroline Bowles, Maria Gowen Brooks, Sara Coleridge, & Maria Jane Jewsbury. ISBN 0754655954. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 9237
MARPLES, Morris. |
£ 4.00 |
London. Faber & Faber. 1967. pp. 206. 10 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. Has Chapters on Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey, Byron, Shelley & Keats.
Reference: 1486
MASSON, Scott. |
£ 30.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate. 2004. pp. x, 241. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 0754635031. A very good, bright, clean copy. Includes chapters on Wordsworth, Shelley, & Keats.
Reference: 11333
MAZZEO, Tilar J. |
£ 30.00 |
University of Pennsylvania Press. 2007. pp. xiv, 236. 8vo. D/W. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 17805
McCARTHY, Thomas J. |
RELATIONSHIPS OF SYMPATHY. The Writer and the Reader in British Romanticism. |
£ 35.00 |
Aldershot. Scolar Press. 1997. pp. (x), 171. 8vo. D/W, spine faded. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 1859283152. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 76530
MITCHELL, Melissa. (Editor). |
PROFESSOR WILLIAM KNIGHT 1836 - 1916. 'Wordsworthian Discoverer, Enabler, and Publicist'. A Centenary Celebration. |
£ 12.00 |
Contributors are Tony Reavell, Stephen Gill, Nicholas Roe & Jeff Cowton. Grasmere. The Wordsworth Trust. 2016. pp. 143. Illustrated. 8vo. D/W. ISBN 9781905256501. Inscribed on the front free endpaper, otherwise a very good, bright, clean copy
Reference: 6371
MOORE, Thomas. |
LALLA ROOKH, an Oriental Romance. |
£ 30.00 |
London. W. Dugdale. (Circa 1820s) pp. 179. 12mo. Full calf with gilt decotaion on the spine. A pirated edition. St Clair. The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period. p. 620.
Reference: 13352
MORGAN, Lady Sydney (Owenson). |
£ 75.00 |
London. Henry Colburn. 1824. 2 vols. pp. xvi, 405, (ii) of adverts; viii, 380, (iv) of adverts. Frontis Vol 1, 1 plate of music. 8vo. Full calf, hinges rubbed. Half title Vol 2. With the bookplate of Charles Cammell and an article by him regarding Salvator Rosa loosely inserted. Some foxing and some underlining of text in pencil.
Reference: 11140
MORRITT, J.B.S., Esq. |
A VINDICATION OF HOMER AND OF THE ANCIENT POETS AND HISTORIANS, who have recorded the Siege and Fall of Troy. In Answer to two late publications of Mr Bryant. With a map and plates. |
£ 950.00 |
York. Printed by W. Blanchard for T. Cadell, Jun. & W. Davies. London. 1798. pp. (ii), 124. Map and 5 acquatint plates, all folded. 4to. Half modern calf, marbled boards. 1st edition. ESTC T2297. J. Bryant's publications were entitled A dissertation concerning the war of Troy , and the expedition of the Grecians, as described by Homer, shewing That no such Expedition was ever undertaken, and that no such City of Phrygia existed 1796?; and Observations upon a treatise, entitles a Description of the Palin of Troy, by Monsieur le Chevalier. 1795. John Bacon Sawrey Morritt (1771- 1843) traveller and classical scholar inherited a large fortune including the Rokeby estate and was the owner of the Rokeby venus now in the National Gallery. He was also a friend of Sir Walter Scott, who dedicated his poem Rokeby to Morritt. ODNB
Reference: 44271
MORTON, Timothy. |
THE POETICS OF SPICE. Romantic Consumerism and the Exotic. |
£ 25.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 2000. pp. xiii, 282, (iii). 17 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 42.
Reference: 14986
NETHERY, Wallace. |
£ 5.00 |
Worcester, MA. Achille J. St. Onge. 1963. pp. 72. Frontis, 1 plate. 8vo. Black cloth, slightly marked. Limited edition of 500 copies.
Reference: 16672
PEER. Larry H. & Diane Long Hoeveler. (Editors). |
ROMANTICISM. Comparative Discourses. |
£ 12.00 |
Contributors are Jeffrey Cass, Sarah Davies Cordova, Rodney Farnsworth, Bonnie J. Gunzenhauser, Diane Long Hoeveler, Sonja E. Klocke, Kari Lokke, D.L. Macdonald, Nancy Metzger, Richard A. Nanian, Larry H. Peer, Marjean D. Purinton, Onita Vaz, & Carolyn A. Weber. Aldershot. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2006. pp. xiii, 208. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 0754653749. A very good bright clean copy.
Reference: 13598
PRANCE, Claude A. |
COMPANION TO CHARLES LAMB. A Guide to People and Places 1760 - 1847. |
£ 5.00 |
London. Mansell Publishing Ltd. 1983. pp. x, 392. 4 family trees, 1 map & 1 plan. 8vo. D/W.
Reference: 2555
PRELL, Donald B. |
EDWARD JOHN TRELAWNY. Fact or Fiction. |
£ 12.00 |
Palm Srings. Strand Publishing. 2008. pp. (iii), 52. Illustrated. 8vo. Laminated boards. ISBN 0974197521. A very good copy.
Reference: 22132
PROCTOR, Sigmund K. |
£ 3.00 |
New York. Octagon Books, Inc. 1966. pp. viii, 313. 8vo. Green cloth. Reprint, originally published in 1943.
Reference: 4202
RADFORD, Andrew & Mark Sandy. (Editors). |
£ 30.00 |
Contributors are Andrew Bennett, Julie Crane, John Holmes, James Najarian, Vincent Newey, Michael O'Neill, Andrew Radford, Mark Sandy, Marjorie Stone, Ve-Yin Tee, Lisa Vargo, J.R. Watson, Sarah Wootton. Aldershot. Ashgate. 2008. pp. xi, 237. 6 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series. General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 9780754657880. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 18396
RICHARDSON, Charlotte. Catherine Cappe (Editor) |
£ 250.00 |
To which is prefixed Some Account of the Author, Together with the reasons which have led to their publication, by the Editor. Printed by Subscription for the Benefit of the Author. York. T. Wilson & R. Spence 1806. pp. xxiv, 9 - 129 (i) of adverts. 8vo. Original boards with a layer of marbled paper, calf spine worn. Endpapers show signs of damp, not affecting text. In the preface pp v/vi, xi, xii, & xv, xvi are misbound. 2nd edition. Johnson 754. Robert Bloomfield was among the subscribers.
Reference: 17979
ROSCOE, Thomas. (Editor). |
£ 35.00 |
London. Hurst, Chance & Co. 1829. pp. xvi, 224. 2 plates before title plus a further 6. Small 8vo. Original blue silk detaching around spine, rubbed on edges. All edges gilt. Shaken. From the library of William St Clair with his name in pencil. Faxon 1472
Reference: 7434
ROSENBLUM, Robert. |
THE ROMANTIC CHILD. From Runge to Sendak. |
£ 5.00 |
London. Thams and Husdson. 1988. pp. 64. 50 monochrome illustrations. 8vo. Orange cloth and slipcase. Presentation copy from the publishers.
Reference: 53205
RUSSELL, Lord John. |
DON CARLOS; or, Persecution. A Tragedy in Five Acts. |
£ 10.00 |
London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. 1822. pp. xvi, 119. 8vo. Disbound. Occasional foxing. 2nd edition.
Reference: 8508
SCOTT, Sir Walter. |
£ 14.00 |
With a Biographical and Critical Memoir by Francis Turner Palgrave. London. MacMillan & Co. Ltd. 1907. pp. xliii, 559. 8vo. Full green calf, spine with gilt decotaion, faded. Reprint. Hull Grammar School prize volume for English with the school stamp in gilt on front board. With previous owner's bookplate. A hansome copy.
Reference: 30304
SCOTT, Walter. |
THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture. And other vestiges of former ages, accompanied by descriptions. Together with Illustrations of Remarkable Incidents in Border History and radition, and original Poetry. |
£ 650.00 |
London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; John Murray; John Greig. Edinburgh. Constable & Co. 1814. 2 vols. pp. cxxvii, 92; 93 - 209, ci of appendix, (xi) of index. 2 frontis's, 2 engraved titles, 91 plates. Large post 4to. Full red morocco with gilt decoration, all edges gilt, spines sunned, hinges slightly rubbed..Engraved titles and frontis's foxed otherwise clean. A very good copy.
Reference: 50411
SHAW, Philip. (Editor). |
ROMANTIC WARS. Studies in Culture and Conflict, 1793 - 1822. |
£ 6.00 |
Contributors are Simon Bainbridge, Stephen C. Behrendt, David Collings, Jacqueline M. Labbe, Geoff Quilley, Mark Rawlinson, Diego Saglia, Philip Shaw, & Eric C. Walker. Aldershot. Ashgate. 2000. pp. xii, 233. 8 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series. General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 1840142669. A very good, bright, clean copy. Includes chapters on Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron & Leigh Hunt.
Reference: 23342
SHEARS, Jonathon. |
THE ROMANTIC LEGACY OF PARADISE LOST. Reading against the Grain. |
£ 20.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2009. pp. x, 221. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 9780754662532. A very good, bright, clean copy. With chapters on Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, & Keats.
Reference: 12089
SHERWOOD, Margaret. |
£ 10.00 |
Harvard University Press. 1934. pp. xi, 365. 8vo. D/W. Occasional pencil marks in the margins. Includes chapters on Wordsworth, Keats & Browning.
Reference: 65821
SHOBERL, Frederic. (Editor). |
FORGET ME NOT; A Christmas, New Year's and Birthday Present for MDCCCXXXVIII. |
£ 50.00 |
London. Ackermann & Co. (1837). pp. 360, (xii) of adverts. Engraved Presentation plate, frontis, 9 plates. 12mo. Full calf wIth gilt decorations, all edges gilt. Hinges and edges slightly rubbed. Faxon 1315.
Reference: 20484
SMITH, Horace. (Editer). |
£ 45.00 |
London. Henry Colburn. 1840. 2 vols. pp. viii, 359; viii, 367. Frontis - Vol I. Large 12mo. Original blind stamped cloth, slightly frayed on front hinge at top of spine on Vol II.
Reference: 12326
SOUTHEY, Robert; Samuel Rogers and Others. |
THE POCKET MAGAZINE or Classic and Polite Literature. Volume IX. |
£ 40.00 |
With Engravings illustrative of 'Human Life' by S. Rogers, Esq. and 'Minor Poems' and 'Joan of Arc' by Robert Southey, Esq. Poet Laureate. London. John Arliss. 1822. pp. viii,352. 6 plates. 12mo in 6s. Half calf, marbled boards. With the bookplate of Anne Renier and F.G. Renier and the pencil signature of William St Clair.
Reference: 16639
STAUFFER, Andrew M. |
£ 25.00 |
Cambridge University Press. 2005. pp. x, 221, (v). 8vo. D/W, unevenly faded on front cover. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism. ISBN 0521846757. A good copy.
Reference: 57425
STELZIG, Eugene. (Editor). |
£ 14.00 |
Contributors are Stephen C. Behrendt, Kevin Binfield, Sue Brown, Frederick Burwick, Christine Chaney, Jasper Cragwell, Diane Long Hoeveler, Susan Levin, Kari Lokke, Sharon M. Setzer, Eugene Stelzig, Miriam L. Wallace, & Joshua Wilner. Farnham. Ashgate. 2009. pp. xi, 219. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series. General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. A very good bright, clean copy. ISBN 9780754663669
Reference: 86060
TAYLOR, Anya. |
BACCHUS IN ROMANTIC ENGLAND. Writers and Drink, 1780 - 1830. |
£ 30.00 |
Basingstoke. MacMillan Press Ltd. 1999. pp. xi, 264. 8 illustrations. 8vo. D/W. Romanticism in Perspective: Texts, Cultures, Histories. General Editors Marilyn Gaull & Stephen Prickett. ISBN 9780333725214. A very good copy.
Reference: 32092
THOMSON, James. |
THE SEASONS; and Castle of Indolence. |
£ 40.00 |
London. Charles Tilt. 1836. pp. (ii), 236, (iv) of adverts. Frontis. 10.5 x 7cm in 8s. Original blind stamped cloth, gilt decoration on the spine, front board marked, all edges gilt. Tilt's Miniature Classical Library.
Reference: 8795
TRIMMER, Sarah. |
A DESCRIPTION OF A SET OF PRINTS OF ANCIENT HISTORY; contained in A Set of Easy Lessons. Second Edition. With A SERIES OF PRINTS OF ANCIENT HISTORY, designed as Ornaments for those Apartments in which Children receive the first Rudiments of their Education. |
£ 100.00 |
London. John Marshall. 1787/1788; (1790 - 1800?) 2 vols in 2 parts each. pp. 104, iv, 116; (ii). Plates VIII, VIII, VIII, VIII, XXXII. 24mo. Quarter calf, marbled boards, spines very dry, front board of Description detached, all other hinges fragile. Both volumes cut down. ESTC N6354 & T132935
Reference: 106430
WALLEN, Martin. |
CITY OF HEALTH, FIELDS OF DISEASE. Revolutions in the Poetry, Medicine and Philosophy of Romanticism. |
£ 16.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate. 2004. pp. x, 202. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 0754635422. A very good, bright, clean copy. Includes chapters on Wordsworth & Coleridge.
Reference: 14824
WATTS, Alaric A. (Editor). |
£ 50.00 |
London. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. 1832. pp. xvi, 344. Frontis, 11 plates. 12mo in 6s. Full roan, all edges gilt, head & tail of spine rubbed. Rear hinge tender internally. Includes Sketches of Modern Poets by Watts - Wordsworth; Campbell; Coleridge; Lamb. Faxon 1566. The date has been erased from the title page but the pagination matches that of a dated copy on The Library Hub.
Reference: 33597
WEBB, John. |
HAVERHILL, A Descriptive Poem, and other Poems. |
£ 145.00 |
London. For the Author. 1810. pp. (xxiv), 119. 8vo. Quarter calf, marbled boards, later endpapers. Slightly crude binding. In the 'To The Reader' Webb describes himself as a Journeyman Weaver.
Reference: 285170
ROMANTIC FEUDS. Transcending the "Age of Personality". |
£ 20.00 |
Farnham, Surrey. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2013. pp. xii, 191. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series, General Editors Vincent Newey and Joanne Shattock. As new. ISBN 9781409432722
Reference: 33579
ATHENIENSIA, or Remarks on the Topography and Buildings of Athens. |
£ 1,500.00 |
London. Printed by W. Bulmer & Co; Published by John Murray. 1816. pp. viii, (iv), 218. Frontis - folded map. 1 plate. 8vo. Half blue calf, marbled boards, front hinge slightly rubbed. From the library of William St Clair with his name in pencil on the front free endpaper. Wilkins 17787 - 1839 was an architect who spent some time in Greece between 1801 and 1804. In the Advertisment in this work he says talking of Lord Elgin and the Marbles 'the author, who entertains a different idea as to the merits of the major part of that collection'...
Reference: 17788
WILLIAMS, Helen Maria. |
POEMS 1786. |
£ 20.00 |
Oxford and New York. 1994. pp. (xii), (xc), 116, (iv), 202. 1 plate. 8vo. D/W. Revolution and Romanticism, 1789 - 1834. A series of facsimile reprints chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 94660
WINBORN, Colin. |
£ 16.00 |
Aldershot. Ashgate. 2004. pp. vii, 201. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock. ISBN 0754638251. A very good, bright, clean copy.
Reference: 7481
A VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN: with Strictures in political and Moral Subjects. |
£ 1,800.00 |
BOUND with PASQUIN, Anthony.POSTSCRIPT TO THE NEW BATH GUIDE. A POEM. Dublin. J. Stockdale for James Moore. 1793. pp. xvi, 256. 8vo. Half calf, spine relaid, marbled boards. Modern marble slipcase. Title page very grubby, most of text block browned. 1st Dublin edition. At foot of p. 256 it says 'End of First volume'. All published. ESTC T7170. BOUND with PASQUIN, Anthony. POSTSCRIPT TO THE NEW BATH GUIDE. A POEM. Dublin. Richard White. 1790. pp. 96. 8vo.Title and last leaf very grubby. The PO of Postscript excised on title page. ESTC T76271.
Reference: 16008
THOUGHTS ON THE EDUCATION OF DAUGHTERS: With Reflections on Female Conduct, in The more important Duties of Life. |
£ 7,500.00 |
London. J. Johnson. 1787. pp. iv, 160. Small 8vo. Modern contemporary style half calf, marbled boards, later endpapers. First and last leaf slightly browned, pp. 7 - 10 & 23 -25 also with minor browning. Contemporary crossing out of name top right corner of title page causing slight loss not affecting any text and the signature of C? Milnes 1799. G6 a cancel as usual. No half title required. With the bookplate of Peter Young.1st edition of her first book. Shattock. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers. Windle A1a. (Mary Wiollstonecraft Godwin 1757 -1797. A Bibliography of First and Early Editions. ESTC T50212
Reference: 202350
WORDSWORTH, Jonathan & Stephen Hebron. |
£ 5.00 |
Grasmere. The Wordsworth Trust. 1994. pp. 69. 19 colour plates, further monochrome illustrations. Large post 4to. Paperback. Exhibition catalogue. A good, clean copy.
Reference: 11861