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We have found 132 book/s in category Romantics - Byron - About

Author Title Price Purchase
(BURGES, Rev. George). CATO TO LORD BYRON on the Immorality of His Writings. £ 220.00

London. W. Wetton. 1824. pp. 128, 4 of adverts. 8vo. Disbound. 2nd edition. Inscribed at top of title page ' Lieut-Col Smith with the Author's best regards'. Chew and the British Library spell the authors name as above, Santucho and Wise spell it with a double S. Chew p37, Santucho p210.

Reference: 4742

(COLTON, Rev. Caleb C). REMARKS CRITICAL AND MORAL ON THE TALENTS OF LORD BYRON, and the tendencies of Don Juan. £ 125.00

Third Edition. By the Author of Hypocrisy, A Satire, with Notes and Anecdotes, Political and Historical. London. For the Author. 1819. pp. (vi), 52, (iv), (i) of adverts. 8vo. Quarter modern cloth, boards, label on front board. The original wrapper is bound in. Chew p30 & 365. "The anonymous author's hostility to Byron is not unmitigated; the fourth canto of Childe Harold, for example, he considers 'the sublimest achievement of mortal pen'. But he holds that the beauties of Don Juan do not atone for its evil character."

Reference: 58473

(HARAUCOURT, Edmond). FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Byron's Suppressed Poem. £ 100.00

(Montreal). (1911). pp. (i), 7. Small 8vo. Limp boards. Printed on the recto only. World Cat lists several editions of this erotic, spurious poem probably by Haraucourt, a French poet and novelist. The earliest edition was published in Paris in 1893 and is of 24 pages; there is also a 16 page edition published in Hollywood in 1937 and this edition which can be found in McGill University Library.

Reference: 88401

(KILGOUR, Alexander). ANECDOTES OF LORD BYRON, from Authentic Sources: with remarks illustrative of his connection with the principal literary characters of the present day. £ 400.00

London. Knight & Lacey; Aberdeen. W. Gordon, A Stevenson, D. Wylie, & L. Smith. 1825. pp. xvi, 207. Frontis, browned. 8vo. Half calf, boards, rubbed. Lacking half title. Chew p. 214. ' Hundreds of anecdotes of Byron, most of them in fairly accurate form, are here gathered together. The book was used by Thomas Moore in the preperation of his biography of Byron.' Wise Vol 2, p. 90.

Reference: 74970

(LOCKHART, John Gibson). LETTER TO THE RIGHT HON. LORD BYRON. By John Bull. £ 600.00

Fleet Street. William Wright. 1821. pp. 64. 8vo. Contemporary style half calf, marbled boards. Half title present. Wise Vol 2, p. 77. 'This is not only a scarce book, but also an interesting one. Regarding it Byron write - I have just read John Bull's Letter. It is diabolically well written, and full of fun and ferocity. I must forgive the dog, whoever he is.' Byron the goes on to suspect Hobhouse, Peacock, and Isaac Disraeli. Wise assigns it to John Black of the Morning Chronicle. Lockhart's authorship is now recognised - see in COPAC the National Trust and Register of Preservation Surrogates entries. Chew p.39.

Reference: 159240


Contains Astarte; Lord Byron and Lord Lovelace by John Murray; Lord Lovelace on the Separation of Lord and Lady Byron by Rowland E. Prothero. London. The Roxburghe Club for Private Circulation. 1906. pp. xi, 98. Crown 4to. Quarter calf, boards. Top edge gilt. Corners bumped. Lord Ernle's (Rowland E. Prothero) copy with his name on front free endpaper. Wise Vol 2, P116, Chew p208.

Reference: 4022

(SMITH, Horace and James). REJECTED ADDRESSES: or The New Theatrum Poetarum. £ 50.00

London. John Miller. 1812. pp. xv, 126, (i) of adverts. 12mo. Modern half calf, marbled boards. 1st edition. Santucho p583

Reference: 12508

(SMITH, Horace and James). REJECTED ADDRESSES: or the New Theatrum Poetarum. £ 20.00

London. John Miller. 1812. pp. xvi, 127. 12mo. Original boards, new paper spine and label. New endpapers. 3rd edition.

Reference: 4740

(SWIFT, Edmund Lewes Lenthal). ANACREON IN DUBLIN. With Notes, Critical, Historical, & Explanatory. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Lord Byron, and illustrated by engravings on wood. £ 360.00

London. J.J. Stockdale. 1814. pp. xviii, (ii), (5) -211. Frontis & 6 plates. 12mo in 6's. Half green calf, marbled boards. Spine relaid and new endpapers. With the stamp of the Mercantile Library, Philadelphia on the title page and a further 5 pages throughout the book. The final page (211) has been trimmed on the fore-edge unevenly. With the bookplate of J O Edwards. The author's surname has a variant spelling of Swifte. The Dedication to Lord Byron occupies 12 pages. A good, reasonable copy. Elkin Mathews Catalogue 620. Unknown to Chew and Wise.

Reference: 15156

(WATTS, Alaric). THE LITERARY GAZETTE, Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Science, etc. Nos 215 - 219 inclusive. Containing LORD BYRON'S PLAGIARISMS. £ 50.00

London. For the Proprietors by W. Pople. March 3 1821 - March 31 1821. 5 issues stitched together. pp. 129 - 208. 4to. Santucho p. 199.

Reference: 107179

(WILSON, J). CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE. CANTO THE FOURTH. By Lord Byron. 8vo. pp. 257. London 1818. £ 2.00

Edinburgh. Archibald Constable. 1818. pp. 87 - 120. 8vo. Red cloth. Article removed from the Edinburgh Review XXX June 1818. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout. Santucho p.188

Reference: 12677

ALLEN, Richard (Photographer). NEWSTEAD ABBEY - 2 Photographs. £ 35.00

Nottingham. R. Allen & Son. (1874). Single leaf from Allen's The Home and Grave of Byron: A Souvenir of Newstead Abbey with two mounted Albumen Prints (11" x 8.25"); The Dining Hall and a Bedroom with African scenes depicted on the walls. Both images are very Victorian, this was when the Abbey was owned by William Frederick Webb, a friend of Dr Livingstone. The Dining Hall print is stamped R. Allen & Son Ltd, Nottingham.

Reference: 8214

ALLEN, Richard (Photographer). NEWSTEAD ABBEY - 2 Photographs. £ 35.00

Nottingham. R. Allen & Son. (1874). Single leaf from Allen's The Home and Grave of Byron: A Souvenir of Newstead Abbey with two mounted Albumen Prints (11" x 8.25"); Lord Byron's Bedroom and The East Terrace.

Reference: 176240

ALLEN, Richard. THE HOME AND GRAVE OF BYRON: A Souvenir of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire. Illustrated. £ 500.00

Nottingham. Richard Allen & Son. (1874). pp. (vii), 44, (ii). 30 photographic plates and 1 print. 4to. Decorated green cloth, bevilled edges. All edges gilt. New endpapers, recased. Richard Allen published three editions of this book:- The Popular edition with one plate; the “handsomely bound” edition with 14 plates originally priced at one guinea; and this - the “richly bound” edition with thirty plates originally priced at two guineas.

Reference: 159000X


Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche Ferrovie dello Stato. ND. No pagination. Illustrated. Crown 4to. Printed wrapper, stapled as issued.and slightly stained. Internally a clean copy. Published by the Italian State Tourist Department.

Reference: 1859

ANON. BYRON PAINTED BY HIS COMPEERS; or, All About Lord Byron, from his Marriage to his Death, as given in the various newspapers of his day, shewing wherein the American Novelist gives a truthful account, and wherein she draws on her own morbid imagination. £ 125.00

London. Samuel Palmer. 1869. pp. 112. 8vo. Later red cloth, marked. Original wrapper bound in at rear. Wise Vol 2, 105. Chew p280. Chew has a footnote that states 'According to the catalogue of the Harvard Library this book was compiled by its publisher, Samuel Palmer.

Reference: 32734

ANON. NEWSTEAD ABBEY: Its Present Owner with Reminiscences of Lord Byron. £ 120.00

London; Nottingham. Longman & Co; C.N. Wright. N.D. (circa 1860). pp. (i), viii, 58. Frontis, 1 plate. 8vo. Contemporary cloth binding, rather crudely done, slightly grubby.

Reference: 69671


(Frome & London. Butler & Tanner). (1875?). pp. viii, 372. 8vo. Original blue cloth with gilt lettering, spine slightly dulled. Later endpapers. COPAC lists one copy held by Glasgow University Library. They list the author as Grant but with no further information. The author describes the book as 'a series of rough sketches and shorthand notes taken at the time, and many on the spot, woven together for the purpose of forming a detailed account of my experiences and impressions during my Eastern tour of 1872 - 1873.' He sails from Harwich, travels to Antwerp, Brussels, Cologne, Munich, Innsbruck, Verona, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples, Brindisi, Alexandria, Cairo, Memphis & Sakhara, Ismailia, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Beyrout, Cyprus, Cos, Smyrna, Constantinople, Skutari, Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg, and back to London. Very occasionally the text is illustrated with a literary quote and sometime it is Byron. Apart from the use of Childe Harold as a pseudonym there is very little that is Byronic in the book.

Reference: 20648

ANON. THE ATHENAEUM. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts. No 354. £ 15.00

London. August 9, 1834. pp. 585 - 598. 4to. Disbound. Contains ‘Cowper & Byron’. Santucho p 232

Reference: 43209

ANON. THE ATHENAEUM. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts. No 356, 357 & 358. £ 20.00

London. August 23, August 30 & September 6. 1834. 3 issues. pp. 617 - 630; 633 - 646; 649 - 664..4to. Disbound. Contains A Byronian Ramble - Part I. Annesley Hall and Hucknall; A Byronian Ramble - Part II. Annesley Hall; & A Byronian Ramble - Part III. Newstead. Chew p355

Reference: 20297


Contributors include J. Drummond Bone, Andrew M. Stauffer, Martin Prochazka, Peter Cochran, Raymond Mills, Warren Stevenson, Ralph Lloyd-Jones, C. Kenyon Jones, Michael Warren, David Leyland, Carl Woodring, & Elma Dangerfield. London. The Byron Society. 2000. pp. 149. Illustrated. 8vo. Paperback.

Reference: 14137

ANON. THE TRIAL OF WILLIAM LORD BYRON, Baron Byron of Rochdale, for the Murder of William Chaworth, Esq; before the Right Honourable The House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, in Full Parliament. On Tuesday the 16th, and Wednesday the 17th of April, 1765: On the last of which Days the said William Lord Byron was Acquitted of Murder, but found Guilty of Manslaughter. £ 150.00

London. For Samuel Billingsley. By Order of the House of Peers. 1765. pp. (iv), 47. Small folio. Full modern calf in contemporary style. Last leaf repaired not affecting text.

Reference: 1946

ARROYO, Antonio. PARISINA. Poema Symphonico ( Segundo Byron) de Leopoldo Miguez. Esboco Critico. £ 15.00

Porto. Magalhaes & Moniz. 1896. pp. 44, index leaf. Frontis. 8vo. Original wrapper bound in card pamphlet wrapper. Browned through out. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 46389

BAKEWELL, Michael and Melissa. DANGEROUS TO KNOW. The life story of George Gordon - Lord Byron. £ 10.00

London. BBC Educational Developments. 1994. pp. 39. Illustrated. A4. Printed wrapper stapled as issued. Booklet published to go with a six part radio biography. A very good copy.

Reference: 58534

BAXTER, G.R. Wythen. DON JUAN JUNIOR: A Poem by Byron’s Ghost. Edited by G.R. Wythen Baxter. £ 350.00

London. Joseph Thomas & Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1839. pp. xii, 118. 8vo. Half calf, marbled boards, slightly rubbed. Half title lacking. With the bookplate of Gordon C.F. Hobbs. Wise Vol 2, p100. Chew p61 - 62 & 356. Chew says " Incoherent as most of this satire is, the piece is of unusual significance, for the character of the younger Juan, in its brutal, cynical faithfulness and egotism, is the nearest approach to the true Don Juan tradition that has appeared in England since Shadwell's Libertine and the Lovelace of Richardson."

Reference: 8123

BEEVERS, Robert. THE BYRONIC IMAGE. The Poet Portrayed. £ 10.00

Abingdon. Olivia Press. 2005. pp. (v), 163. 58 illustrations. Paperback.

Reference: 7724


London. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. 1924. pp. viii, 245. 8vo. Blue cloth, spine darkened.

Reference: 3573


London. J. Alfred Sharp. 1925. pp. 26 - 40. 8vo. Disbound. Article in the London Quarterly Review January 1925. Note on Nottingham Public Libraries catalogue card ' Joseph Blackett (1786 - 1810) was a poet who lived for a time at Seaham where he was befriended by the Milbankes"

Reference: 621571


With an Introduction and Notes by the Editor. Princeton University Press. 1969. pp. ix, 240. Frontis. 8vo. D/W, unevenly faded. Some minor pencil markings in the margins.

Reference: 3903PC

BONE, J. Drummond. (Editor). THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO BYRON. £ 30.00

Contributors are Paul Douglass, Peter W, Graham, Malcolm kelsall, Andrew Elfenbein, Philip W. Martin, Nigel Leask, Alan Rawes, Alan Richardson, J. Drummond Bone, Susan J. Wolfson, Andrew Nicholson, Jerome McGann, Anne Barton, Bernard beatty, Peter Cochran,& Jane Stabler. Cambridge University Press. 2004. pp. xx, 305, 8vp. Laminated boards. ISBN 0521781469.

Reference: 10914

BOYLE, Andrew. (Editor). REJECTED ADDRESSES or The New Theatrum Poetarum with an Introduction, notes, and a bibliography. £ 5.00

London. Constable & Co. 1929. pp. vii, 182. Frontis, 19 plates & 6 illustrations in the text. Illustrations in the text are after George Cruikshank. 8vo. Cloth spine, slightly faded. marbled boards. Edition limited to 1000 copies.

Reference: 1669

BRITISH MUSEUM. BYRON. An Excerpt from the General Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. £ 20.00

London. William Clowes and Sons, Ltd. 1939. pp. (36). Folio. Wrappers.

Reference: 4003

BROCKEDON, W. FINDEN'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LIFE AND WORKS OF LORD BYRON. With Original and Selected Information on the Subjects of the Engravings. £ 450.00

WITH FINDEN'S BYRON BEAUTIES: or, the Principal Female Characters in Lord Byron's Poems. Engraved from Original Paintings under the superintendence of W. and E. Finden. London. John Murray. 1833 - 1834; 1836. 3 vols. No pagination. 123 plates, 3 engraved titles as called for. Demy 4to. Full calf with gilt decoration. All edges gilt. Some slight foxing. Spines slightly rubbed and faded. Finden's Byron Beauties - No pagination. 39 plates. Demy 4to. Bound to match Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works. Head of spine slightly more rubbed than the other three volumes. 4 volume set. A ggod set. Wise Vol 2, p97. Coleridge p 315.

Reference: 2332

BROOKE, Stopford. BYRON'S CAIN. £ 10.00

Boston MA. Leroy Phillips; London. Williams & Norgate. 1919. pp. 74 - 94. 8vo. Card covers. Extract from The Hibbert Journal: A Quarterley Review of Religion, Theology, and Philosophy edited by L.P. Jacks & G. Dawes Hicks.

Reference: 64611

BROUGHTON, The Right Hon. Lord. (John Cam Hobhouse). TRAVELS IN ALBANIA AND OTHER PROVINCES OF TURKEY IN 1809 & 1810. £ 950.00

London. John Murray. 1855. 2 vols. pp. xii, 544; viii, 528. Frontis's, 13 plates and plans, some folded. 8vo. Full tan morocco with gilt decoration, hinges rubbed but firm, spines chipped at head and slightly sunned. All edges gilt. A new edition. With the bookplate of 'Charles W.G. Howard, The Gift of The Rt Hon. Sir David Dundas Knt. of Ochtertyre !877.' Volume1 is inscribed 'With the Author's compliments' and has a small pencil sketch og Hobhouse tipped in on the front free endpaper. This is dated 25 July 1848. Charles Wentworth George Howard was the 9th child of George 6th Earl of Carlisle and Georgina, daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. Georgina was Caroline Lamb's cousin and the 5th Earl of Carlisle, C. W. G. Howard's grandfather, was Byron's guardian. Chew p 376. This edition is the fourth edition of Hobhouse's A Journey through Albania first published in 1813

Reference: 17994


London. Royal Society of Medicine. 1960. pp. 4. Illustrated. 4to. Printed wrapper stapled as issued. Offprint. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, June 1960, Vol 53, No 6, pp 440 - 442 (Section of Orthopaedics), pp 8 - 10). With a newspaper cutting of 1938 on the same subject and a letter stating that Browne was the 'greatest foot specialist in the world'.

Reference: 167553


London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. 1824. pp 12 of ads, vii, 457. 8vo. Quarter green calf, slightly garish, Original paper spine label, worn, tipped in on rear endpapers. Wise Vol 2, p86, Chew p216.

Reference: 1777


University of Nottingham. 1949. pp. (ii), 28. 8vo. Printed wrapper stapled as issued. 26th Byron Foundation Lecture. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 12382


Oxford University Press. From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol LVI. 1970. pp. 18. 8vo. Printed wrapper stapled as issued. Warton Lecture on English Poetry British Academy 1970. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 13284

BYRON, George Gordon Noel, Lord; James Steohens Compiler. THE AUGUSTAN BOOKS OF ENGLISH POETRY. BYRON. Second Series Number Twenty Six. £ 2.00

London. Ernst Benn Ltd. (1928). pp. 32. 8vo. Original wrapper bound in. Cloth. Series Editor Humbert Wolfe. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 41195

BYRON, Henry J. THE "GRIN" BUSHES! or, the Mrs Brown of the Missis - Sippi. A Burlesque Extravaganza, in One Act. £ 10.00

London. Thomas Hailes Lacy. ND. Circa 1865. pp. 36, (ii) of adverts. Small 8vo. Printed wrappeer. Lacy's Acting Edition No 955. Henry Byron (1835 - 1884) was the grandson of the Rev. Richard Byron, Foulweather Jack Byron's brother and therfore the poet's second cousin.

Reference: 8622

BYRON, Rev. Frederick Ernest Charles, 10th Baron Byron. THE GORGE. £ 12.00

London. John Murray. 1934. pp. 113. 8vo. D/W. Partly uncut. This Lord Byron is a distant cousin of the 6th Lord, the poet. A very good copy.

Reference: 265193

BYRON, The Hon. John. BYRON’S NARRATIVE OF THE LOSS OF THE WAGER with an Account of the great distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coats of Patagonia from the year 1740 till their arrival in England 1746. £ 30.00

London. Henry Leggatt & Co. 1832. pp. xvi, 219, 3 of adverts. 8vo. Original blind stamped morocco, spine has lost it's polished surface. All edges gilt.

Reference: 56292

CARDWELL, Richard A. LORD BYRON THE EUROPEAN: Essays from the International Byron Society. £ 30.00

Contributors are Richard A. Cardwell, Therese Tessiere, Afrim Karagjozi, M. Byron Raizis, Martin Prochazka, Werner Huber, Malcolm Kelsall, Caroline Franklin, Ghislaine McDayter, & Roger Poole, New York, Ontario, Wales. The Edwin Mellen Press. 1997. pp. (xii), 228. 8vo. Cloth. Studies in British Literature Vol. 31. ISBN 0773485937. A very good, clean copy

Reference: 82320

CASTELAR, Emilio. Translated by Mrs Arthur Arnold. LIFE OF LORD BYRON and Other Sketches. £ 12.00

London. Tinsley Brothers. 1875. pp. xvii, 346, 16 of adverts. 8vo. Green cloth, slight wear to head of spine.

Reference: 2213

CHEW, Samuel C. THE DRAMAS OF LORD BYRON. A Critical Study. £ 12.00

Gottingen. Vandenhoed & Ruprecht; Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Press. 1915. pp. (vi), 181, errata. 8vo. Printed wrapper, slightly rubbed & frayed. Unopened.

Reference: 44620

CHEW, Samuel C. THE DRAMAS OF LORD BYRON. A Critical Study. £ 10.00

New York. Russell & Russell Inc. 1964. pp. (ix), 181. 8vo. Cloth, spine faded. Reprint. Originally published 1915.

Reference: 4462

CHUN, David. BYRON IN THE BERNESE OBERLAND (September 1816). £ 20.00

1974. pp. 10. A4. Typed text. Stapled as issued. Unpublished (?) text on Byron and Hobhouse's 13 day tour of the Bernese Oberland quoting well known references.

Reference: 14441

CLARKE, Isabel C. SHELLEY AND BYRON. A Tragic Friendship. £ 8.00

London. Hutchinson & Co Ltd. 1934. pp. 324, (xvi) of adverts. Frontis, 12 illustrations. D/W, frayed.

Reference: 21115


London. James Robins and Co. & Joseph Robins Jun. and Co. 1825. pp. viii, (ii), 756, 4 of adverts. Frontis, engraved title, 1 facsimile, 8 plates by Cruikshank. 8vo. Modern cloth. pp 469 - 472 lower margin cut into not affecting text. Badly foxed in parts especially on the plates. Chew p214.

Reference: 1824


London. James Robins and Co. 1831. pp. vi, 756. Frontis, engraved title misbound after Contents, facsimile, 7 of 8 plates. 8vo. Full calf, respined calf. Foxed. Shabby. Chew p214.

Reference: 4844


London. James Robins & Co. 1830. pp. viii, 756. Frontis, engraved title dated 1829, dedication leaf, facsimile and 8 plates. 8vo. Modern contemporary style quarter calf, marbled boards, new endpapers. Bound in between facsimile and p.1 is a long, undated, unasigned newspaper article entitled A Provost of Eton. The article is about Byron's fried Francis Hodgson. Printed on poor quality paper so quite foxed but a good copy. Chew p 214. Originally published 1825.

Reference: 23221


Aldershot. Ashgate. 2005. pp. xxi, 343. Frontis & 8 coloured plates, 22 black & white illustrations. 8vo. D/W, spine slightly faded. Edge of text block and margins very, very faintly browned. ISBN 0754638146

Reference: 11919

COATES, Ken. BYRON VERSUS ELGIN. Greek and Britons together can restore the Parthenon Mables and safeguard Newstead Abbey. Paper for the Byron Conference Athens, April 1998. £ 1.00

Nottingham. Russell Press Ltd. 1998. pp. 14. Illustrated. 8vo. Paper wrapper.

Reference: 6867

COCHRAN, Peter. (Editor). NEWSTEAD ABBEY BYRON SOCIETY REVIEW. January 2010. £ 12.50

Contributors are Margaret Catchpole, Peggy Meldrum, Shobhana Bhattacharji, Olga Pulovsky, Itsuyo Higashinaka, Peter Cochran, Christine Kenyon Jones, John Beckett, Madeleone Callaghan, Davy Pernet, James Potts, & Maraia Schoina. Newstead Abbey Byron Society. 2010. pp. 100. Illustrated. A4. Printed wrapper, ring bound. New.

Reference: 11425

COCHRAN, Peter. (Editor). NEWSTEAD BYRON SOCIETY REVIEW. January 2008. £ 7.00

Contributors include Malcolm Kelsall, Peter Cochran, John Beckett, Jack Gumpert Wasserman, Catherine Payling, Ralph Lloyd-Jones, Allan Gregory, Innes Merabishvili, & Elizabeth Mozillo-Howell. Newstead Abbey Byron Society. 2008. pp. 97. Illustrated. A4. Printed wrapper, ring bound.

Reference: 43318

COCHRAN, Peter. (Editor). THE NEWSTEAD BYRON SOCIETY REVIEW. January 2009. £ 8.00

Contributors include Gabriel Matzneff, Inga Adamia, Anna Reynolds, Janet Kolstein, John Beckett, Peter Cochran, Lod Mussop, Alex Kinsella, & Morgan Ratchett. Newstead Abbey Byron Society. 2009. pp. 99. Illustrated. A4. Printed wrapper, ring bound.

Reference: 7500

COLERIDGE, Ernest Hartley & Rowland E. Prothero. (Editors). THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON. £ 180.00

London. John Murray. 1905 - 1930. 13 vols. Frontis's to all vols. 8vo. D/W’s. Vol 1 of the Poetry is 1930 reprint, Vol V & VI 1924, Vol VII 2nd edition 1905, Vol VI of the Letters is 1924 reprint, all other volumes are the 1922 reprint. The D/W of Vol VII of the Poetry is very badly torn and has the residue of selotape marks, and the D/W of Vol IV is missing its top inch, but it is unusual to see this set with D/W’s. Vol VI of the Letters has a badly dampstained back board, this does not affect the text. Loosely inserted in Volume VI of the Poetry is a typed letter signed from John Murray dated 4th March 1955. Poetry - 7 vols edited by Ernest Hartley Coleridge. Letters & Journals - 6 vols edited by Rowland E. Prothero. From the library of Alex Bridge with his bookplate Wise Vol 2, p59. Chew p305 & 364.

Reference: 31021d

COLTON, Rev. C.C. LACON: or Many Things in Few Words; addressed to Those Who Think. £ 35.00

London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. 1825. 2 vols. pp 4 of adverts, 16 of adverts (pp 1/2 torn slightly affecting text), 267; 184, (iii), 56, (i), 30, (ii). 8vo. Original boards and spines, worn. A New Edition. Contains “Remarks on the Talents of Lord Byron, and the Tendencies of Don Juan.

Reference: 121697

COOTE, Stephen. BYRON. The Making of a Myth. £ 1.00

London. The Bodley Head. 1988. pp. 192. Frontis, illustrated. 4to. D/W.

Reference: 1817


Foreword by Anne Barton. London. MacMillan. 1988. pp. xv, 232. 8vo. D/W. Front endpaper browned. ISBN 0333443365

Reference: 1119

CURTIS, Paul M. (Editor). DES ACTES SELECTIONNES DU 30e CONGRES INTERNATIONAL SUR BYRON. Byron and the Romantic Sublime. £ 10.00

Contributors are Paul M. Curtis, Ian Balfour, Jane Stabler, Yoshie Kimura, Charles E. Robinson, Itsuyo Higashinaka, John Clubbe, Christine Kenyon Jones, Naji Oueijan, Janet Hammock and Robert Lapp, Peter W. Graham, Shobhana Bhattacharji, Gale Bouchard, Michael R. Edson, Vitana Kostadinova, Christiane Vigouroux, Peter Cochran, Joan Blythe, Terrance Riley, & Bernard Beatty. Universite de Moncton. 2005. pp. (vi), 294. 8vo. Paperback. The majority of papers are in English.

Reference: 104170

DALLAS, R.C. CORRESPONDANCE DE LORD BYRON avec un ami, comprenant en outre les lettres escrites a sa mere du Portugal, de L'Espagne, de La Tirque, et de La Grece, dans les annees 1809, 1810, et 1811, et des Souvenirs et Observations; le tout formant une histoire de sa vie, de 1808 a 1814. £ 100.00

Paris. A. et W. Galignani, Baudouin Freres, Charles Gosselin. 1825. pp. xxxi, 280, 313. Frontis and folded facsimile. 8vo. Half red morocco, marbled boads. All edges gilt. Some foxing in margins. Corners bumped. 2 vols bound as one with half title to Vol 1, clipped. Both title pages present. The facsimile, which is torn, not affecting text acts as a frontis to Vol 2. The title pages mentions a portrait of Byron and a View of Newstead. The View of Newstead is the frontis to Vol 1, but there is no Portrait of Byron, only the facsimile. This would appear to be the french text edition of CORRESPONDENCE OF LORD BYRON, with a friend, including his letters to his mother, written from Portugal, Spain, Greece, and the shores of the Mediterranean, in 1809, 1810 and 1811." published by Galignani in three volumes in English also in 1825. The publication of this book was stopped in England by a decree obtained by Byron's executors in the Court of Chancery. The version that was published in England in 1824 is entitles RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LIFE OF LORD BYRON, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814 etc. Chew p.209 English 3 volume edition

Reference: 5288


Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doktorwurde an der Universitat Leipzig vorgelegt von Edgar Dawson aus Spottswood, USA. Leipzig. Verlag von Dr. Seele & Co. 1902. pp. 87, (i). 8vo. Later wrapper. Single small library stamp on title page.

Reference: 6417


Paris. Chez Ladvocat. 1824. pp. (iv), 15. Vignette on title page. 8vo. Quarter calf, marbled boards, slightly rubbed. Light foxing throughout. 3rd edition. With typescript english translation.

Reference: 16283

DOMINI. Donatino. LORD BYRON. A Cura. £ 20.00

Ravenna. Longo Editore. 1988. pp. 161. 152 illustrations, mainly monochrome but some in colour. Text in Italian. Medium 4to. Wrapper. A good copy.

Reference: 13575


London. MacMillan. 2000. pp. ix, 195. 8vo. D/W. Romanticism in Perspective: Texts, Cultures, Histories. General Editors Marilyn Gaull & Stephen Prickett. ISBN 0333760298.

Reference: 6584


Paris. Sans Pareil. 1929. pp. 361. 8vo. Paperback with tissue wrapper, torn. Le Conciliabule de Trente dirige par Louis Martin-Chauffier. Fro the library of Alex Bridge with his bookplate.

Reference: 3395


Breslau. Verlag von Joh. Urban Kern. 1845. pp. viii, 223. 8vo. Original paper wrapper. Ex-Library with stamp on title page. Top of spine selotaped. Unopened. Slightly frail. The text is in German and is the first edition of a collection of descriptions of Byronic heroines from the Maid of Saragossa in Childe Childe Harold to Aurora Raby in Don Juan. The author quotes extensively from Byron's poetry.

Reference: 64980

ELWIN, Malcolm. LORD BYRON'S FAMILY. Annabella, Ada and Augusta 1816-1824. £ 6.00

Edited from the author's typescript by Peter Thomson. London. John Murray. 1975. pp. 252. 4 plates. 8vo. D/W.

Reference: 1816

ESCARPIT, Robert. LORD BYRON. Un temperament Litteraire. £ 25.00

Paris. Le Cercle du Livre. 1956 - 1957. 2 vols. pp. 244; 340. Facsimile frontis - Vol 2, 1 plate - Vol 1. 8vo. Printed wrappers, spine faded Vol 1. Vol 1 - Introduction, Usages de la Litterature, Le Mode Lyrique; Vol 2 - Le Mode Rhetorique, Le Mode Lyrique, Conclusion, Appendices - Bibliographie, Index.

Reference: 237782

FLEMING, Anne. BYRON THE MAKER. Truth or Masquerade - An Exploration. Volume One: Byron in England. £ 5.00

Sussex. Book Guild Publishing. 2006. pp. xvi, 294. Illustrated. 8vo. D/W. A very good bright, clean copy. ISBN 1846240069

Reference: 41887


Sussex. Old Forge Press; Ditchling Press. 1988. pp. vi, 74. Illustrated. Paperback. ISBN 0951301004. A good copy.

Reference: 3755

FUHRMANN, Ludwig. DIE BELESENHEIT DES JUNGEN BYRON. Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde von der philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich Wilhelms Universität zu Berlin genchmigt und uebst den beigefügten Thesen öffentlich zu verteidigen am 14 Marz 1903. £ 6.00

Norwood Edition. 1978. pp. 119. 8vo. Thick grey cloth. Reprint.

Reference: 2208

GAMBA, Count Peter. A NARRATIVE OF LORD BYRON'S LAST JOURNEY TO GREECE extracted from the journal of Count Peter Gamba, who attended His Lordship on that Experdition. £ 250.00

London. John Murray. 1825. pp. xii, 307. 2 facsimiles folded. 8vo. Quarter modern blue calf, cloth boards. Chew p205. Wise Vol 2, p87.

Reference: 3114

GARROD, H.W. BYRON 1824 - 1924. A Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on May 14, 1924. £ 5.00

Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1924. pp. 22. 8vo. Original wrapper. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 9104

GILPIN, Henry. THE MASSACRE OF THE BARDS, and Other Poems. £ 20.00

London. Hayward 7 Moore, Darton & Clark; Bristol. George Davey. 1839. pp. (ix), 188. 12mo. Original cloth, spine label slightly rubbed & chipped. No front free endpaper. 1st thousand. Johnson 376. Contains a Poem - Reflections at Newstead

Reference: 28996

GLECKNER, Robert & Bernard Beatty. (Editors). THE PLAYS OF LORD BYRON. Critical Essays. £ 10.00

Articles from the works of David V. Erdman, Malcolm Kelsall, G. Wilson Knight, A.B. England, Jerome Christensen, Jerome J. McGann, Peter J. Manning, Caroline Franklin, Susan J. Wolfson, David Eggenschweiler, Wolf Z. Hirst, Daniel M. McVeigh, Murray Roston, Alan Richardson, Charles E. Robinson, & Daniel P. Watkins. Liverpool University Press. 1997. pp. viii, 399. 8vo. D/W, spine faded. Liverpool English Texts and Studies. General Editors Jonathan Bate & Bernard Beatty. A few pencil marks in the margins. ISBN 0853238812. A good copy.

Reference: 1122

GORDON, Armistead C. ALLEGRA. The Story of Byron and Miss Clairmont. £ 12.00

London. Methuen. 1927. pp. vi, 266. Frontis, 7 plates. 8vo. Red cloth, spine faded. Ex-library with library conditions label on rear board.

Reference: 4085

GRANT, Harding. LORD BYRON’S CAIN, A MYSTERY: with Notes; wherein the Religion of the Bible is considered, in reference to acknowledged Philosophy and Reason. £ 200.00

London. William Crofts. 1830. pp. xvi, 432. 8vo. Later half calf, boards. Top of front hinge beginning to crack but still firm. Last few leaves slightly foxed. Half title present. Wise Vol 2, p96. Chew p100.

Reference: 9855

GRIFFITH, R.H. and H.M. Jones. (Compilers). A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION OF MANUSCRIPTS AND FIRST EDITIONS OF LORD BYRON held in the Library of the University of Texas from April 19 to May 3, 1924 to commemorate the One Hundredth Anniversary of His Death. £ 35.00

Austin, Texas. The University of Texas Press. 1924. pp. xiii, 106. Frontis, 6 plates. Royal 8vo. Blue cloth, slightly darkened. No 135 of a limited edition of 307 copies. Prospectus for the book and exhibition and ADDITIONS TO THE CATALOGUE, pp 91 - 106 stapled, both loosely inserted. Signed by Griffith on the Dedication page 'This Copy For Mrs Nagel With Love And Gratitude R H Griffith'.

Reference: 91691

HARPER, Henry H. BYRON'S MALACH HAMOVES. Written for the seventeenth Year Book of the Bibliophile Society. £ 5.00

Boston. Privately for the Author. 1918. pp. 70. 8vo. Wrappers. Spine worn & frail A few copies of this little book have been privately printed for complimentary distribution by the author. 1st Edition.

Reference: 2274

HARRIS, Rt. Rev. Patrick B. Bishop of Southwell. THE POET LORD BYRON AND RELIGION. £ 6.00

The complete text of a talk given to the Newstead Abbey Byron Society on January 16th 1993. Hucknall. The Communications Group of the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene. 1994. pp. (ii), 17. 8vo. Printed wrapper stapled as issued. Local Interest Series No. 1.

Reference: 8542


New York. Harper & Brothers. (1894). pp. 365 - 370. Illustrated. 8vo. Wrapper. Article from Harper's New Monthly Magazine LXXXVIII, February 1894. Santucho p. 297

Reference: 6463

HOBHOUSE, J.C. A JOURNEY THROUGH ALBANIA, and Other provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, during the years 1809 and 1810. £ 2,500.00

London. James Cawthorn. 1813. 2 vols. pp. xvi, 518; 519 - 1152, Direction to the Binder leaf with adverts on rear. 2 uncoloured plates, 17 coloured plates of which 7 are folding, 2 folding maps, 2 facsimiles & 2 leaves of music. 4to. Full calf, later spines, head of Vol 2 torn. Some offsetting from the plates. 2nd Edition. From the library of William St. Clair with his name in pencil inhis hand on front free endpaper. Chew p376. Santhuco p181.

Reference: 6795

HOBHOUSE, John Cam. HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE FOURTH CANTO OF CHILD HAROLD: Containing Dissertations on the Ruins of Rome; and An Essay on Italian Literature. £ 125.00

London. John Murray. 1818. pp. viii, 576. 1 facsimile, 2 pages of illustration. 8vo. Full calf, spine dry, hinges cracked but holding. Title page foxed.. 2nd edition, revised & corrected. With the bookplate of Anne & F.G. Renier. A reasonable copy.

Reference: 6503

HOWARD, Alfred. THE BEAUTIES OF BYRON consisting of Selections from his Works. £ 38.00

London. Thomas Tegg. 1832. pp. vii, 183. Frontis, Title off set. 12mo. Original printed boards. Slightly frail. New Edition. Howard's Beauties of Literature. Kohler 379. 1st edition thus.

Reference: 8737

HUBER, Werner & Rainer Schowerling. (Editors). BYRON-SYMPOSIUM MANNHEIM 1982. £ 6.00

Contributors are Hermann Fischer, Gerhard Stilz, Helmut Castrop, Hans-Jorgen Diller, Martin Brunkhorst, Uwe Boker, Rolf Eichler, Ina Schabert, & Heidi N. Rohloff. Paderborn. Universitat Gesamthochschule. 1983. pp. 229. 8vo. Boards, cloth spine. Text in German. ISBN 3980081702. A very good, clean copy.

Reference: 38676

HUNTER, P.D. BYRON. The Harrow Collection. £ 25.00

Harrow School Press. (1994). pp. (iv), 36. Illustrated. Royal 8vo. Printed wrapper stapled as issued.

Reference: 23951


With an Appendix peculiar to the present edition. London. Henry G. Bohn. 1856. pp. iv, 138. 8vo. Half calf, head of spine worn, corners bumped.

Reference: 171740

JEAFFRESON, John Cordy. THE REAL LORD BYRON. New Views of the Poet's Life. £ 40.00

London. Hurst and Blackett. 1883. 2 vols. pp. viii, 376; viii, 370. Adverts. 8vo. Original brown cloth with gilt decoration, spines slightly mottled. 1st Edition. Wise Vol 2, p110. Chew p313

Reference: 1837

JEFFRIES, Francis). ART. I. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto the Third. By Lord Byron. 8vo. pp. 79. London. 1816. The Prisoner of Chillom, and other Poems. By Lord Byron. 8vo. pp. 60. London. 1816. £ 2.00

Edinburgh. Archibald Constable. 1816. pp. 277 - 310. 8vo. Brown cloth. Article removed from The Edinburgh Review XXVII December 1816. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 13975

JEFFRIES, Francis. (Editor). CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE. A Romaunt. By Lord Byron. 4to. pp. 230. London. 1812. £ 5.00

Edinburgh. Archibald Constable. 1812. pp. 466 - 477. 8vo. Red cloth. Extract removed from the Edinburgh Review XIX February 1812. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout. Santucho p.178

Reference: 17235


Manchester. John Rylands Library. 1968. pp. (ii), 122 - 136. 8vo. Printed wrapper stitched as issued. Offprint from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Vol. 51, No. 1, Autumn 1968.

Reference: 74941

LEACH, Sally (Compiler). LORD BYRON. A Sesquicenntennial Exhibition Catalogue. £ 8.00

Austin. Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas. 1974. pp. 40. 8vo. Card covers, stapled as issue. Inscribed by the author on the verso of the title page. A very good copy.

Reference: 1481

MAYNE, Ethel Colburn. BYRON. £ 10.00

London. Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1912. 2 vols. pp. xvi, 336; vii, 344, 31 of adverts. Frontis's, 16 plates. 8vo. Green cloth. Some foxing. Chew p386. Wise Vol 2, p118.

Reference: 3640

M'DERMOT, Martin. A LETTER TO THE REV. W.L. BOWLES, in reply to his letter to Thomas Campbell, Esq., and to his two letters to the Right Hon. Lord Byron; containing A Vindication of their defence of the poetical character of Pope, and An Inquiry into the nature of poetical images, and of the characteristic qualities that distinguish poetry from all other species of writing. £ 10.00

London. (The Pamphleteer). 1822. pp. 120 - 144. 8vo. Modern boards. Part One only. The Pamphleteer Vol XX, No XXXIX, Pamphlet no 3. Chew p111 'has little reference to Byron'.

Reference: 81322

MEDWIN, Thomas. JOURNAL OF THE CONVERSATIONS OF LORD BYRON: Noted during a Residence with His Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. £ 145.00

London. Henry Colburn. 1824. pp. viii, 345, errata. Facsimile frontis, title offset. Large Post 4to. Contemporary half morocco, marbled boads. Head & tail of spine & corners slightly rubbed. 1st edition. Throughout the book there is offsetting caused by a previous owner pressing leaves at regular intervals. Wise, Vol 2 p82. Chew p211.

Reference: 1478

MEDWIN, Thomas. THE ANGLER IN WALES, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen. £ 225.00

London. Richard Bentley. 1834. 2 vols. pp. xvi, 336; vii, 348. 2 frontis's, 2 vignettes on title pages and 13 other illustrations in the text. 8vo. Original quarter cloth, labels slightly browned, boards, corners bumped. Bookplate of W.E.D. Shaw in Volume 2, signs of removal of bookplate in Volume 1. Bright copy. Santucho p 232. Although at first glance this book seems to have little to do with Byron, there are many mentions of him throughout.

Reference: 3390

MILBANKE, Ralph, 2nd Earl Lovelace. (Editor). Byron, Lady Anne Isabella. LADY NOEL BYRON AND THE LEIGHS: Some authentic records of certain circumstances in the lives of Augusta Leigh, and others of her family, that concern Anne Isabella, Lady Byron, in the course of forty years after her seperation. Strictly Private. £ 4,500.00

London by William Clowes and Sons Ltd for the Descendants of Lord and Lady Byron. 1887. pp. (iv), 249. 8vo. Original boards, paper spine and label, spine slightly dulled, back board slightly marked. The half title states '(No publication of the contents of this volume may take place without authorisation in writing from Lord Wentworth or Lady Noel Byron's other representatives.) Thirty-six copies only have been printed, of which this is number 27.' Inscribed on the inside front board in biro 'Given to me by Ly Wentworth. C. Draper.' Ralph Milbanke's title at the date of publication of this book was Lord Wentworth. He was the grandson of the poet Lord Byron and the son of Ada Lovelace. On his death in 1906 the Barony of Wentworth devolved on his only child, Ada Mary. On her death in 1917 the title passed to her aunt, Anne Isabella Noel, wife of Wilfred Scawen Blunt, who died in 1922. The title then passed to their only surviving child Judith Anne Dorothea Blunt-Lytton, owner of the Crabbet Arabian Stud. On her death in 1957 the title passed to her son, the Earl of Lytton. Biro pens were not invented until 1938, so, although one cannot be sure of when the biro inscription was written it can be assumed that the donor of the book to C. Draper was Judith Blunt-Lytton. Wise Vol 2, p.111. Wise says 'I suppose this must be the most hopelessly unobtainable book in the whole series of Byroniana ... Of the thirty-six copies printed a few only were distributed; the larger proportion of the issue was destroyed.'

Reference: 14677

MOORE, J. Sheridan. BYRON. His Biographers and Critics (1869). £ 25.00

Foreword by J. Voigner-Marshall The Australian Byron Society. 1988. pp. (iii), 31. Small 4to. Card covers, stapled. No 15 of a limited edition of 50 copies. A Bi-Centennial Reprint 1788/1988. Originally published in Sydney on 1869, being a Discourse delivered before The Australian Patriotic Association, on Monday Evening, November 15th. Inscribed 'To Dear Andrew with thanks and love, Jacqueline' - the author of the Foreword and then President of the Australian Byron Society

Reference: 20754

MOORE, Thomas. LETTERS AND JOURNALS OF LORD BYRON with Notices of His Life. £ 180.00

London. John Murray. 1830. 2 vols. pp. viii, 670; 823, errata leaf. Frontis in Vol 1, not Vol 2 as is normal. 4to. Half calf, cloth boards, labels. 1st edition. Endpapers and titles very faintly foxed. Wise Vol 2, p93. Chew p223 & p388.

Reference: 1696


Hamburg. Lebel, Truttel & Wrutz. 1831. 2 vols. pp. (ii), 566; 593, 19 of appendix. Small 8vo in 4's.Half green calf, red spine labels, cloth boards. Volume 2 has some foxing. First edition published London 1830.

Reference: 7698

MOTTER, T.H.Vail. BYRON'S WERNER RE-ESTIMATED: A Neglected Chapter in Nineteenth Century Stage History. £ 10.00

Princeton University Press. 1935. pp. 243 - 275. 8vo Stapled with card wrapper. Article from Essays in Dramatic Literature. The Parrott Presentation Volume by pupils of Professor Thomas Marc Parrott of Princeton University, published in his honor. Edited by Hardin Craig.

Reference: 187821

PAGE, Norman. (Editor). BYRON. Interviews and Recollections. £ 20.00

London. MacMillan. 1985. pp. xxi, 182. 8 plates. 8vo. D/W. Inscribed by the author on front free endpaper 'To Marion Needham with warmest good wishes Norman Page Newstead Abbey 8 June 1988.' ISBN 0333345991

Reference: 4309

PARRY, William. THE LAST DAYS OF LORD BYRON: with His Lordship's Opinions on Various Subjects, particularly on the State and Prospects of Greece. £ 550.00

London. Knight and Lacy. 1825. pp. xxiv, 360. Frontis, 3 colour plates. 8vo. Half calf, marbled boards slightly rubbed, new spine and endpapers. Wise Vol 2, p87. Chew p205.

Reference: 2289


London. John Murray. 1934. pp. 385 - 400; 513 - 527; 641 - 655; 1 - 16; 129 - 144; 257 - 288. 8vo. Half calf, cloth boards. One article in six parts published over the year in The Cornhill Magazine edited by Lord Gorell. The parts are I. The Glittering Throng; II. The Romance of Lady Frances; III. The Tragi-Comedy of Lady Caroline. IV The Tragi-Comedy of Lady Caroline (Continued); V. Claire Clairmont: A Rebel Maid; VI. Claire Clairmont: The Struggle for Allegra. The title pages of the magazine bound in. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 87720

PEATTIE, Antony. THE PRIVATE LIFE OF LORD BYRON. £ 10.00 2015. Unbound is a crowd funding publishing company. Visitors can support the book at and pledge from as little as £10 (for a digital version of the book). For £30 you get a hardcover copy. For £1,500 + VAT you receive a signed copy of the first edition and a copy of Howard Hodgkin’s new print, For Antony, 2015, which will also provide the endpapers. Everyone who pledges will have their name listed in the book as a supporter. Please visit the website, for more information about The Private Life of Lord Byron.

Reference: 63490

PINTO, Vivian de Sola. BYRON AND LIBERTY. £ 10.00

The Folcroft Press Inc. 1969. pp. (ii), 23. 8vo. Blue cloth. Reprint of the 1944 Byron Foundation lecture at Nottingham University.

Reference: 21758


Farnham. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2013. pp. ix, 192. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series edited by Vincent Newey and Joanne Shattock. 9781409443568. A very good, bright, clean copy.

Reference: 47971

RANDOLPH, Francis Lewis. (Editor). Murray, John. THE JOURNAL OF THE BYRON SOCIETY. Number Two. £ 20.00

Facsimile reprint of Notes on Captain Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron. Philadelphia. The Falcon Press. 1973. pp. (iii), 15. Frontis. 8vo. Wrappers. Limited edition of 300 copies, this one numbered 'J'. A very good copy of a rare original and a difficult reprint.

Reference: 4136


Translated by H. Cosmetato. Athens. Corgialenios Foundation; Historical & Cultural Museum of Cefalonia. 1982. pp. 32. 8vo. Printed wrapper. Ink inscription on title page. A good copy.

Reference: 39015

RAWES, Alan. BYRON’S POETIC EXPERIMENTATION. Childe Harold, the Tales, and the Quest for Comedy. £ 4.00

Aldershot. Ashgate. 2000. pp. xiii, 147. 8vo. D/W. The Nineteenth Century Series. General Editors Vincent Newey & Joanne Shattock.

Reference: 29041

ROBINSON, Charles E. (Editor). LORD BYRON AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. Essays from the Sixth International Byron Seminar. £ 10.00

Contributors are Michael G. Cooke, Nina IA. D'Iakonova, Wilfred S. Dowden, Ernest Giddey, James A. Houck, Suzanne K. Hyman, Alice Levine, Andrew Rutherford, Erwin A. Sturzl, Stefan Treugutt, & Jack C. Wills. Newark. University of Delaware Press. 1982. pp. 251. Frontis, 12 plates. 8vo. D/W, torn. ISBN 0874131804

Reference: 65212


London. Oxford University Press. 1957. pp.25 - 62. 8vo. Printed wrapper stapled as issued. Off print from the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. XLIII. Chatterton Lecture on an English Poet.

Reference: 17025

ROE, Herbert C. THE RARE QUARTO EDITION OF LORD BYRON'S "FUGITIVE PIECES" With a note on the Pigot Family. £ 20.00

Nottingham. Derry & Sons Ltd for Private Circulation. 1919. pp. 30. Frontis, 3 plates. 8vo. Quarter cloth, boards. One pencil notation in the margin.

Reference: 3400

RUSKIN, John. FICTION - FAIR AND FOUL. III (Byron). £ 6.00

(London. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.) (1880.) pp. 394 - 410. 8vo. Red cloth. Article removed from the Nineteenth Century. A Monthly Review edited by James Knowles. No. 43 September 1880. Ex Nottingham Public Library with stamps throughout.

Reference: 6361


Contributors are Andrew Rutherford, Anne Barton, Bernard Beatty, Marilyn Butler, Michael G. Cooke, Hermann W.H. Fischer, Michael Gassenmeier, Malcolm Kelsall, Leslie A. Marchand, Jerome McGann, Claude Rawson, Donald H. Reiman, & William St. Clair. London. MacMillan in association with The British Council. 1990. pp. xiii, 253. 8vo. D/W.ISBN 0333517237. A very good, clean copy.

Reference: 6930

SALVO, Le Marquis de. LORD BYRON EN ITALIE ET EN GRECE; ou Apercu de sa Vie et de ses Ouvrages d’apres des sources authentiques, accompagne de Pieces Inedites, et d’un Tableau Litteraire et Politique de ces deux Contrees. £ 750.00

Londres, Paris et Strasbourg. Treuttel et Wurtz. 1825. pp. ix, 369, (ii). Frontis, facsimile folded. 8vo. Quarter calf, marbled boards, corners bumped, spine slightly scuffed. Occasional minor foxing. From Newstead Abbrey - inscribed on the inside of front board 'W.F. Webb Newstead Abbey'. William Frederick Webb bought Newstead from Colonel Wildman's widow in 1861. Chew p397.

Reference: 28607


New York. Charles Scribner's Sons; London. Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd. 1897. pp. 345 - 359. Illustrated. 8vo. Loose leaves in a card folder. Article from Scribner's Magazine No. 129, Vol XXII. September 1897.

Reference: 33912

STANHOPE, The Hon. Colonel Leicester. GREECE, IN 1823 AND 1824; being a Series of Letters, and Other Documents, on the Greek Revolution, written during a visit to that country. A New Edition, containing numerous supplementary papers, illustrative of the state of Greece in 1825. Illustrated with several curious fac-similes, to which are added, Reminiscences of Lord Byron. £ 475.00

London. Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper. 1825. pp. xvi, 575. Frontis, 1 colour plate. 8vo. Full red calf, gold bands, hinges rubbed. The frontis is browned and has caused off-setting to the title.

Reference: 10419

STEPHEN, H.L. (Editer). STATE TRIALS POLITICAL AND SOCIAL. (Second Series) Vol IV. £ 6.00

London. Duckworth and Co. 1902. pp. (vi), 284, (ii) of adverts. Frontis. Small 8vo. Brown cloth with gilt decoration. The Trials are:- The Annesley Case, 1743; William Jackson and Others, 1748; M'Daniel and Others, 1755; William Barnard, 1758; Lord Byron, 1765. With the bookplate of Alex Bridge. A very good copy.

Reference: 53570


New York. St. Martin's Press. 1986. pp. ix, 229. 8vo. D/W, spine sunned. Lower front edge bumped. A good copy, clean. ISBN 031211124X

Reference: 78011


London. Edward Moxon. 1858. pp. viii, 304. Frontis, 3 plates. 8vo. Later marbled boards, top edge gilt. Pencil underlining throughout, paper beginning to brown. With the bookplate of Charles Cammell, Wise Vol 2, p102.

Reference: 279100


New Jersey. Humanities Press. 1981. pp. xix, 210. Frontis. 8vo. D/W. Previous owner's bookplate. ISBN 0391021648

Reference: 4097

TURNOUR, The Hon and Rev Edward John. THE WARNING VOICE, A Sacred Poem, in Two Cantos; addressed to Infidel Writers of Poetry. £ 200.00

Bound with THE PROTESTANT CHURCH alone faithful in Reading the Word of God; proved by a contrast with the Church of Rome, in A Sermon. London. For the Author by Longman, Hurst, rees, Orme & Brown. 1818. pp. 20, (iv), 32. 4to. Full calf, gilt decoration, hinges slightly rubbed, base of spine worn, some scratching on the boards. Internally very clean. Chew p.106 ' It is addressed particularly to Byron'. None of the Infidel Writers of Poetry are named.

Reference: 227460


London. The Poetry Society. 1931. pp. 374 - 380. 8vo. Original printed wrapper bound in, in boards. Article from The Poetry Review September/October 1931.

Reference: 111290

WADDINGTON, George. A VISIT TO GREECE IN 1823 and 1824. £ 250.00

London. John Murray. 1825. pp. (viii), lix, (iii), 248, (ii) addendum. Foldeed map & folded plan. 8vo. Full calf, spine a bit dry and rubbed, worn top of front and rear hinge. Santucho p220. There is some mention of Byron but the author states that 'I have not visited Misolonghi; partly on account of the extremely repulsive nature of the place itself, and its entire destitution of any thing to interest the imagination or the memory ...' He goes on to say that what information he has was collected here and at Athens. The Chapter XIX is headed Zante, April 1824.

Reference: 79351


c. 1840s Leaf, blind embossed profile on coloured card, glazed and framed .

Reference: 195863

WILLKOMM, Ernst. LORD BYRON. Ein Dichterleben. Novellen. £ 780.00

Leipzig. Wilh. Engelmann. 1839. 3 vols. pp. (ii), 278, (iv) of adverts; (i) 352, (iv) of adverts; (ii), 384, (iv) of adverts. 8vo. Original paper wrappers. Some foxing throughout. The novel is divided into 8 parts - I Der Margenstern von Annesley Hall; II Die Schadelbruder in Newstead; III Abenteuer im Orient; IV Triumph und Kreuzigung; V Die Fluchtlinge am Genfercee; VI Der Neue Don Juan; VII Byron als Carbonaro und Philhellene; & VIII Missolonghi. Unknown to Chew and Santucho although the British Library does have a copy.

Reference: 75520


University of Nottingham. 1953. pp. (ii), 34. 8vo. Printed wrapper stapled as issued, unevenly faded. 30th Byron Foundation Lecture.

Reference: 7185

WOOF, Robert. BYRON. A Dangerous Romantic? 19 April 1989 - 15 January 1990. £ 10.00

The Wordsworth Trust. (1989). pp. 13. Illustrated. Small folio. Wrappers. Exhibition Catalogue. A very good copy.

Reference: 33809

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