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Author Title Price Purchase
OSWALD, Felix and T. Davies Pryce. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF TERRA SIGILLATA treated from a chronological standpoint. £ 275.00

With OSWALD, Felix. INDEX OF POTTERS' STAMPS ON TERRA SIGILLATA "SAMIAN WARE" with a Supplement. A limited edition of 275 handprinted, signed and published by the author. No. 208. London. Longmans, Green and Co. 1920. pp. xii, 286. 85 plates. Small 4to. Modern red cloth, original front wrapper bound in. With four letters, tipped in, from Felix Oswald to F.J. Collins who was in the Architect's Depatment at County Hall, London regarding buying this unbound copy and the 'Index'. One typed letter from Adrian Oswald, Felix's son, who was Keeper at the Department of Archaeology and Local History at Brmingham City Museum. By the tone of the letter Collins was a collector.

Order Number: 14303

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