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Author Title Price Purchase
ANON. AN EXACT COLLECTION of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Votes, Orders, Ordinances, Proclamations, Petitions, Messages, Answers, and other Remarkable Passages betweene the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and his High Court of Parliament begining at his Majesties return from Scotland, being in December 1641, and continued untill March the 21, 1643. Which Were formerly published either by the Kings Majesties Command or by order from one or both Houses of Parliament. With a Table wherein is most exactly digested all the fore-mentioned things according to their severall Dates and Dependancies. £ 850.00

London. Edward Husbands, T. Warren, & R. Best. 1643. pp. (viii), 955, (i) xix of index. pp3/4 misbound. Frontis, frayed, repaired and laid down. 4to. Full calf, sympathetic new spine and endpapers. Wing E 1533. ESTC R2795. Contains, amongst much else, the following Hull related items:- A Petition of the Lords and Commons to His Majesty to give leave to remove the Magazine from Hull, to the Tower of London, and concerning the 6 Priests; The Petition of the Gentry of Yorkshire, unto His Majesty, That the Magzine may not be removed from Hull; His Majesties Message to both houses, concerning Sir John Hothams refusall to give His Majesty entrance into Hull; His Majesties Letter to the Mayor of Hull; His Majesties two Messages to both houses, concerning Sir John Hotham; An Order of the Lords and Commons against the stopping of passages, and Messingers, between Hull and the Parliament; A Declaration of the Lords and Commons, concerning Hull; Votes of the Lords and Commons, concerning Hull, and Sir John Hotham; An Order of assistance to the Committees, concerning their going to Hull; His Majesties answer to the Declaration, Votes, and Order of assistance of both houses, concerning Hull; & His Majesties Message and Proclamation, declaring His purpose of going in his Royall person into Hull.

Order Number: 865674x

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