London. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman and Edward Moxon. 1835. pp. xv, errata, 349, (i), (iv) of adverts. 12mo. Half calf, marled boards, spine sunned. Endpapers slightly foxed. Half title present. 1st edition. Inscribed by Wordsworth on the front free endpaper 'To Sir T.S. Pasley Bart from his Friend Wm Wordsworth'. There are faded ink corrections on p. 13, 47, 48, & 85 that match the errata. Wise p.141. Reed A48.'Longman states that 1000 copies were printed; but 1500 is the correct number ... 20 copies sent to WW and 20 to the Rev. Christopher W. Presentation copies distributed by the publisher ... turn up..., typically containing a clerk's (never WW's) inscription "From the Author". This is definitely from Wordsworth and possibly one of the 20 he was allocated. Sir Thomas Pasley was a naval officer who rose to the rank of admiral in1866. He built Craig Manor in Bowness on Windermere in 1848 as his retirement home and asked Wordsworth to help him find the location.
Order Number: 28271