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(M'Leod, John; Savigny, Jean Baptiste Henri & Alexandre Correard). THE SHIPWRECK OF THE ALCESTE, an English Frigate, in the Straits of Gaspar; also The Shipwreck of The Medusa, a French Frigate, on the coast of Africa; With observations and reflections thereon. £ 250.00

Dublin. E. Tute. 1822. pp. 179. Frontis & 5 woodcuts. 12mo. Modern contemporary style half calf, marbled boards. The pagination is continious between the two narratives. The Preface, I assume, written by the publisher states ' we have selected the two narratives mentioned in the title-page - each of them contains the account of a shipwreck, written by an eye-witness of what he relates,' M'Leod was the author of the Shipwreck of the Alceste, he was the ship's surgeon; The Shipwreck of the Medusa was taken from J.B. Henry Savigny and Alexander Correard's account - Savigny was also a surgeon, Correard an engineer and geographer. The account inspired the French romantic painting The Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault.

Order Number: 29767

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